Sunday, May 18, 2008

Major Mikey Goes To The Desert

I wish this was a movie title like Mr. Smith Goes To Washington. I wish it was a movie that I could watch in a dark theater, munching on popcorn and holding Mike's hand. But unfortunately, it's my reality. Mike will be going overseas soon. I keep thinking of the things he'll miss. I keep thinking about how hard it will be for me and the lonely I'll be. But none of that matters. All I want is for him to go, serve, grow and come home safe. Every time he's gone away before to safe places like Mississippi and Texas and Hawaii, it's always been about me. Me me me. (Big surprise for those of you who read my blog) But this time, it has to be about him doesn't it? He'll be far away from HIS family, missing HIS children, putting HIS safety at risk, doing HIS duty. He'll be all alone while I have my family, his family, my friends, my kids, McDonalds, TiVo, pedicure and massage places and Nordstroms right in my own backyard. So, for once, it's not about ME. Except it's MY heart, MY best friend, MY Mikey that will be on the other side of the world, in harms way all alone. So that makes me a little cuckoo when I think about it. So I won't think about that today, I'll think about it tomorrow. Scarlett can really teach us some great lessons about denial can't she?

Mike is doing great. Excited, nervous, honored and sad all together. He's handling it exactly like he should. He's a textbook picture of appropriateness and mental health. I'm also sad and nervous. I share those emotions with him. I get those emotions. Excited? No so much. But who knows, maybe I'll get there someday. Like the day he gets home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mike and you girls will be in our prayers daily until he comes home safely. If you need to talk or anything, I'm here for you 24/7, ok? :)