Thursday, May 8, 2008

Don't Ya Just Feel Better When It's Clean?

I've really fallen behind on my housework. It seems as though every time I turn my head to pick something up or wipe something down that two little rascals are off in another room breaking something, or climbing up furniture or filling up their Cinderella teapot in the toilet. So I have to ask I want to clean my fridge or let my daughters drink toilet water? So the fridge sits there alone and grimy while I bring in apple juice for a real tea party. Oh, and confiscate the Cinderella toilet tea pot. But still, I've been feeling bad about it. I haven't had company over in awhile and have just felt like we are existing in this dwelling rather than really living. Know what I mean? Well, I committed to myself a few weeks ago that enough was enough and I was really going to get in there and do something about it. So today.....the HOUSE CLEANER started. Yes America, I have a house cleaner who is wonderful and loving and pretty and kind and amazing. She already has been cleaning my Grammie Bea's, my Auntie Rita's and my mom's house for a few years. So now she'll be cleaning my crib once/week. yay for me. yay for Mike. And she is going to do our laundry, fold it and put it away at no extra charge. So Mike got something out of this deal too. He does 100% of the laundry except he never puts away anything or folds anything. So this will solve many marital disputes about completed task work. I love Luz. Tonight when we said bedtime prayers, we said the following:

MIKE: "Please bless Luz"
JESSICA: "Please bless little Luz"
MIKE: "Help her to know we appreciate her"
JESSICA: "We preciate her"
MIKE: "And please help her to want to come back"
JESSICA: "Help Little Luz to come back "
MIKE: "even though we are messy"
JESSICA: "we so so messy
JESSICA: "oh my goodness we messy"

So that was part of our prayers tonight. When I think of my blessings, I count Luz twice.

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