Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Games Twins Play

The girls have gotten really into pretending. I used to pretend by playing school, playing dolls, playing house. Mike was GREAT at pretend. He played war, and well...war and some more war. He was so good at pretend that when Ron would come outside to see if he could play, Mike would pretend that Ron was the enemy, throw some grenades at him (rocks) and run away while ordering an air strike on his walkie talkie (again another rock, just bigger and flatter). So when we had girls we were convinced that they would have awesome imaginations. And they do. They just have really weird ones too. I guess by having a permanent, 24/7 playmate, it enables you to get a bit more in depth in your pretend games.

Ball Run Away: They bring us a ball. We throw it in no particular spot in the room and they run out of the room screaming Ball Run Away and laughing.

Fetch: I know this is a game usually reserved for dogs. But the girls THINK they are dogs when we play it. Basically you throw a ball against the back fence and they go retrieve it and bark the entire time they are running.

Doctor: This is typical of kids right? But with my kids, they lead the other one in from the waiting room, they have them sit down, they take a complete medical history (does your head hurt, does your eyes hurt does your feet hurt?) then whatever part is hurting (usually the nose) the "doctor" says "okay, mama will kiss your nose. Will that make you feel better?" Then the "doctor" gives the patient a sticker and sends her on her way.

Swimming Pool: They put blankets all over the floor. They put on their swimsuits and they dive off the ottoman into the "pool"

WonderPets: The WonderPets is a cartoon show on Nickelodeon about a Guinea Pig, Turtle and Duck that go around the world saving baby animals in trouble by using team work, cooperation etc. Katie is the turtle, Jessica is the duck and Mike is the Guinea Pig. I am the Guinea Pig understudy and am able to play this role when Mike is at work. We have songs, props, capes. It's a big deal at our house.

Follow The Leader: This would be normal except Katie always gets to be the leader and Jessica doesn't cooperate and runs in front just to watch Katie blow a gasket.

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