Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Open Letter To My Girls...

Dear Girls,

I need to ask something of both of you. As your Mom, I have many hopes and dreams for your lives. You might be surprised to know what they are. I do know however, that my dreams for your lives will be different than your own dreams for your life. I hope that we have the kind of relationship in which we can celebrate the fulfillment of your dreams and that you won't feel disappointed if they are different than mine. I had a lot of dreams once upon a time too. Some of them even came true. But some, will never come to pass because I made different choices along the way and my dreams ended up changing. The biggest dream of mine that came true is our family. I always wanted a husband who loved me and would be my best friend but most of all who would be a great Dad. And then I wanted two girls. I knew I didn't want one child because I was an only child and it was lonely. I dreamed that I would have two girls, at once and that they would be best friends. And you know what? So far, so good.

But like I said at the beginning of this letter, I have something to ask of you. No matter what your dreams may be or become, please don't ever dream that you will be like Tori Spelling. Who is Tori Spelling? You might wonder just this question. So google her. Then, study her life. Then, make the opposite choices. Girls, she is a twit. And dumb. And annoying. And most importantly, she has no contact with her mom. That's the biggest one. If your dream ends up that you really REALLY want to be a dumb twit...okay, I can live with that. But, if you grow up and choose to have no contact with your mom. NOT O.K. Also, don't get fake boobs. And don't muscle in on a married man, steal him away from his wife, get pregnant out of wedlock and then nag him on national TV. And please don't write a tell all book about me - no matter how desperate you are for attention. I know I won't be the perfect mom. I know I will make lots of mistakes. But please don't discuss them on the Tonight Show. That would really suck for me.

I love you both. I'm so proud of you both. And I feel so lucky to be your mom. I hope you both make good choices and that you realize every one of your dreams, no matter what they are. I want you to have joy and I want you to have peace. I just really really really don't want you to be like Tori.

Thanks girls.

Lots of Love,

p.s - no offense to Tori in case she or her fans read this blog. I'm happy for you if your choices make you happy and you should call your mother.


Amberly said...

Amy you are so funny, there is no way they will end up like tori. They don't have millions of bucks, and your so awesome they would never want to be away from you. They are great girls and they will turn out fabulously because they have a wonderful mother and father who love them.

Jody Carson said...

Tom calls her "The Fish" and well, I think she looks like a Drag Queen. Everytime that I hear Tori speak I find myself surprized at how high her voice really is......Okay, okay I'll be nice. I actually feel really sorry for her. Nothing is sacred to her. Everything can be bought or sold for the right price. That is truely sad. She does need to call her Mother, but it should be to schedule when they can BOTH attend the same session with a psychiatrist. Candy is a piece of work herself......... I'm pretty sure that your girls will turn out just fine. Fine and funny. :)

Kori said...

AMEN to this post...

Anne said...

Amy you are hilarious. I've had similar thoughts recently, although I have to admit I was a little intrigued by her for a few years. I read something in People (or somewhere else) about her and her sassy attitude that no one is more important than HERSELF... I decided I was done Tori-following.

I seriously feel very sad for HER children. Let's hope Dean sticks around for them and keeps them somewhat sane, huh?