Saturday, July 19, 2008

In Outer Space

This past week I had no Internet, no television, no home phone and didn't really go anywhere except for to our old apartment and to the new house. Needless to say, I felt pretty disconnected to the world. A few years back, I took a break from the world when we went to live in Hawaii for 8 weeks during Mike's 3rd year of Med School. He did 2 back to back Internal Medicine rotations at Tripler Army Hospital and I took 10 weeks off work and went with him. For the entire 10 weeks I watched no TV, read no newspaper, checked no email and talked to no one on the phone except for my mom and grandma occasionally. It was a very cleansing, healing time during a period of my life when I really needed to reconnect with myself. I sat on the beach, read book after book, wrote pages and pages in my journal, got a wickedly cool tan, lost 20 pounds and just all around centered myself and felt very zen. It was great.

This past week though? Not so great. I felt grumpy and out of sorts and very much like I was missing out on some really rad high school party because I had chores to do. I realized that sitting on the beach breaks are different from sweaty moving breaks which aren't a break at all. And this lack of technology inspired communication was Comcast's fault not my own choice. They couldn't hook up my cable until Friday.

It was awful and I just don't need that kind of stress ever again. I'm so glad to be back and have many hours of TiVO waiting for me which makes me absolutely giddy. Pioneer Woman had a whole entire week of feeding cows, bailing hay and making yummy treats without me and as her secret best friend, I just am glad we got to catch up and I'm sure she feels better as well. Or at least she would if she knew my name or that I existed.

I'm not sure of the point of this post other than to say, I'm back baby! (that is a quote from Joey Tribbiani from Friends)


Amberly said...

Yey you have internet at your house now. That means it is officially a home now =) Just to clarify, you did talk to me too while you were in Hawaii, I couldn't have lived without you for 10 weeks. What I would give for a break like that now.

Jody Carson said...

I remember getting a call from you while you were on the beach in Hawaii. You said something like "Jody, you would hate it here because there is sand everywhere....." ;) Yep, not much has changed in that reguard... I'm sorry that you were without your outside world vices. Welcome back! Missed you!