Thursday, July 24, 2008

I'll Comeah and Bustah Your Kneecaps...Capice?

I swear I don't owe money to anyone named Vinnie, Sal or Tony. But I do however have a busted kneecap. Yep. I broke my leg. My new dryer was being delivered by Lowe's yesterday and I was running to get some boxes out of the way so the delivery dudes could get in the laundry room and I slipped on a blueberry in the kitchen and was down for the count. I hit my good knee on the corner of a box first then on the floor. And when it was still hurting really badly last night, I had my doctor check it out. I caught her at 5:30 just as she was leaving for the day so Xray was already closed at our little clinic. She told me she thought I might have a broken leg so come back tomorrow and get an x-ray. So this a.m. I got the x-ray taken and my kneecap is fractured in two places. The fracture makes like a "y" over the kneecap. They don't put you in a cast when you break a kneecap. They just tell you to stay completely off your leg, put no weight on it and you can get up and go potty but that's it. They said the fracture will knit back together and it will either heal well if you stay off your leg or it will heal not well and will be weak and give you tons of problems for the rest of your life if it heals improperly. So here's my dilemma. Yep, you guess it. 3 year olds. AND on top of that I already have a bum knee on the other leg. And we have boxes to put away, pictures to hang and all sorts of moving tasks to do. And Mike has been working a million hours to get caught up so his office can launch a new software program tomorrow. And I have PMS. And, brace yourself for this one, I have to put my first baby, our dog Josh, to sleep this weekend. We were supposed to do it tonight but now because of my leg we aren't. But this weekend, I have to hold my little guy's paw as we gently and as humanely as possible let him go. He's 15, deaf and his windpipe is collapsing on itself and soon it will collapse completely and cause him to suffocate to death. He has LONG coughing fits that cause him fear and pain where he is trying to get his windpipe to inflate again and luckily so far it has. But soon, it will not and he would die in a horrible way, most likely all alone. So Mike and I along with my mom and dad have made the decision that it's time to let him go. Even as I type this I am sobbing and have been a mess since we made the decision on Monday. And now I have a broken leg on top of it. I feel like I am going to self implode.

So that's what's going on with me. The fun never stops around here. I'll be fine. My leg will heal, well or not. My dog will be at peace and I know I will see him again because I know that animals have a kinder and gentler soul than most humans do. And how could there be a heaven without our dearly departed pets in it? And we'll get moved in, eventually. Things could be so much worse. My kids are healthy, my family is intact and things really are okay. I know that deep down. But when I try to stand up and my knee gives a jolt and pop that hurts so bad it takes my breath away, tears just seem appropriate for the moment.

And that's how we roll. At least for now.


sacramentostakeclerk said...

I'm afraid I have to de-lurk myself to make sure you're OK!

I know I'm kind of a stranger (and more than kind of a lurker)... but I really am a member of your (now admittedly former) ward. Can I help you out at all?

I really wish I had gotten to know you when you were still in our ward. All my callings for the past five years have kept me out of Relief Society, and I have at times felt out of the social loop as a result... especially when it comes to newer faces.

I really hope you are doing OK.


p.s. Your post on Tori Spelling = genius.

Amy said...

Melissa - thanks for saying hi. You are awesome. i know exactly who you are and i would love to get to know ya. I am looking for anyone who knows a teenager or college student off for the summer who would like to make some extra cash during the daytime??? If you know anyone could you drop me a line at

Anne said...

I'm so glad you posted the sad details on your blog. Things like that happen to me all the time, I seriously am such a klutz! I'm so so so sad for you, though. I've already emailed people and the troops should be coming soon... ;)

Kori said...

I remember in high school, we put our poodle, Kandy to sleep. We had her for 15 years. It was a hard thing to do...I do not envy your situation at all. Been there and done that.

Good Luck...

Jody Carson said...

AMY!!! Honey, I think you need to lay low for a little while........That totally sucks about your knee and about Joshie. I'd wondered if he were still around. :( The way that you described what happens to your knee when you use it, makes me wonder what exactly it was that I did to my knee in the 12th grade. Even now my knee cap will sometimes pop and I experience a very similar experience. mabe I should get an X-ray too! Oh good! Amy, it sounds like help is on the way!