Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday Confessions

I haven't done a Friday confessions in awhile. I have been without Internet service for like a week now and I feel vulnerable and out of touch completely with the world. I haven't had TV either. It's been a very strange week for me. But that's another topic for a different post. Because I haven't done a Friday confession for awhile - I feel out of touch with my Catholic part of myself. There's a part of me that has always wanted to be Catholic in case you are new to this blog. It's only for the going to confession and guilt and wine drinking parts of Catholicism that I am absuredly attractedeto. I am really good at guilt, I love getting stuff I've done wrong (or feel guilty about) off my chest and the wine drinking part just sounds like a good idea as I sit on the couch this Friday night while my kids are climbing on their father screaming at the top of their lungs that their hair is tangled and their tummies hurt. Yep, wine drinking sounds awfully good right about now.

So here we go for the week...

  • I work at my own pace. When moving from one house to another, you become very aware that other people have a different pace than you. (as in my Dad) My Dad goes at a much faster pace than me. My pace is incorrect and definitely not fast enough. I move a box, unload a box, take a break. I unpack some stuff, drink a diet coke, check out what Pioneer Woman is doing then go get another load. It maddens some people. I am sorry for that.
  • I have ignored my kids a lot. My husband works very long hours as in he rarely has gotten home before 7pm for the past 2 weeks. So the majority of the moving, loading, unpacking, hanging of artwork, organizing cabinets and shoving, I mean, putting away my stuff has been left in my hands. This kind of work does not lend itself to paying attention to kids. 3 year olds have a tendency to get bored with the tasks involved in moving pretty quickly. And they suck at unpacking boxes. AND their little arms are weak and can't unload the van. So they've been pretty much on their own.
  • I am not cooking again. Remember the previous Friday Confessions where I confessed I haven't been cooking? Then I felt guilty and made lasagna for my family and they shoveled it down? Well - the lasagna is the last thing I cooked. This not cooking thing has gotten way out of hand.
  • I have a bad attitude. I know it's hard to tell via internet but I have a bad attitude right now about the majority of things in the world. People, places, weather, food...if you can name it then it's probably making me insane. I'm even mad that the Dark Knight is making so much money at the box office because I think it's people's sick fascination with the death of Heath Ledger and not because they are excited about the movie. But one thing I don't have a bad attitude about is Mama Mia coming out this weekend. Can I just say how excited I am? Yippeee. (and the fact that America would rather shell out their hard earned cash for a sadistic dark depressing movie about a psychopath terrorizing a city than a happy quirky musical set in the Greek isles STARRING Meryl Streep AND my secret husband Collin Firth makes me seriously concerned about the direction this country is taking.) See? Bad Attitude.
  • I am secretly annoyed at Mike that the moving responsibility is in my lap and that he is having to work so much. Yes, it was my idea to move. Yes, I picked out the house. Yes, I chose the date we would occupy the house. Yes, I knew Mike had no leave or vacation scheduled during this time. Yes, I knew his clinic was losing 2 doctors and one other provider and that his already crazed work schedule would be even worse right now. Yes, I have the support of my family here to unpack boxes, load stuff up, help with the girls and inspect mechanical stuff for me. Yes, people still get sick during my moving dates and need their doctor to be available. Yes, he is being of service to people that really need his help. But no, none of this makes me feel better or gives me the desire to cut him some slack. I still think he should magically clone himself so he can help me move. I would like to clone myself while we are at it and have my cloned self move us too. So the two clones would move our stuff, the "real" Mike could go to work and the "real" Amy could go someplace super fun and tropical. See? Bad Attitude AGAIN.

1 comment:

Amberly said...

I just have to say, I loved Mama Mia. Chuck and I went to see it last night. You can love us cause we picked it over the Dark Knight movie. I don't even want to see it cause it looks too dark for me. Mama Mia was great, I loved it, and now I want to go get the soundtrack. You will love it. Hope the moving is going well. I wish I was there to help, but then I would probly get annoyed with you cause your not moving fast enough for me =)