Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Is this really the final one?

The latest in the Twilight series is coming out. And I have these questions. I just was on this girl's blog and she asked are you an Edward or a Jacob fan? Also, is this really the last book in the series? Also, when is the movie Twilight coming out? Who is playing Bella/Edward/Jacob? These are the questions my mind is pondering at this moment. Aren't I a deep thinker?
Just for the record, I love Edward but I want to love Jacob more because I think he would be better for Bella in the long run. But I can't help but love Edward the mostest!!! I'm like so a 14 year old girl inside a 36 year old body.


Amberly said...

I totally like Jacob, because she wouldn't have to loose her soul to be with him and because she seems to be more passionate and hot for him. I bet she'll end up with Edward though.

Kori said...

check out www.twighlightthemovie.com or IMDB.com for all the info...Rachel is so excited about this movie. She loved the book.