Sunday, February 1, 2009


When I married Mike I was a football fan. I had loved the San Francisco 49ers since I was eleven years old and Joe Montana threw the catch to Dwight Clark for a touchdown in the final minutes of the playoffs against the Cowboys which I watched at Jenny Sanchez's house. It's one of those moments in history that you will always remember where you were at when it happened. When I married Mike he was a baseball fan. His family did not watch TV on Sundays so watching football only happened on Monday nights.

This has changed. To understand the extend to which this has changed is to understand the climate of the country when George Washington was President to understanding the country now under President Obama. Mike is insane about football. He follows both college and professional football. He can tell you how any given team is doing at any given time and he TiVos game upon game and sports center and presses fast forward until a play begins so he can watch a game in 1/4 of the time it takes to be played so he has the time to watch multiple games on any given weekend.

His brother Ron LOVES the Steelers. Mike has always "liked" the Steelers as much as any other team so when he got into football he discovered he loved coach Bill Cowher of the Steelers and quickly became a Steeler fan along with his brother. Ron was actually AT the Superbowl today. He wanted Mike to go and for the record I did too. But Mike said he just got home and didn't want to be away from us again so soon. I think that's super sweet of him but I still would have supported him going.

Needless to say, it was a fantastic game with a very happy ending for the Meekers. We watched the game at my parents house. They made all Cuban food since the game was in Florida and Cuban cuisine is a regional staple there. Everything from the appetizers to the meal was fabulous and we had a great time rooting for the Steelers and watching the girls do cheers that we taught them. Jennifer Hudson did an amazing job on the National Anthem and both the Steelers and Cardinals played a fantastic game. I'm very happy for Ron that he got to be there in person because he has loved the Steelers all his life.

Oh and the point of the whole post is that because Mike is now psycho about football, I don't even like it anymore. I like the last quarter of the superbowl and that's about it. I am a football widow from October until January and football fills up my DVR and I can't record any shows and football just bugs the crap out of me now. Sometimes I feel like standing up and yelling "hey, you didn't even LIKE football when I married you so it's no fair that you watch it on Saturday AND Sunday and that I have to tell everyone we know not to tell you the score of the games until you finish watching them on TiVO and that you track all the stats and blah blah blah." So to football I say, "I hate you for stealing my husband." Is it irony that his favorite team is the Steelers? I think not.

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