Friday, February 13, 2009


The past few days have found me at my wits end in regards to the behavior of two little three year olds. They have refused to take a nap. When I suggested that they quietly rest while watching Wall-E or Ratatouille the jumped for joy, but instead of resting/watching, they jumped on the bed, acted like wild animals and just refused to obey anything I said. Bedtime brought on the same behavior of all around wildness, causing me to say a fervent prayer that they might by some miracle survive to reach the ripe old age of four. Today, my patience ran out and I got upset at them. I didn't shout but I was stern faced, strict sounding and tried my best to be a convincing authority figure when faced with their antics.

Later on, we talked about the situation in our house. I explained that I was the one who gave them everything in their lives they wanted. "You guys want stuff like going to preschool, your leapsters, eating yummy treats, watching your favorite shows on TV, reading books, having warm clothes, getting to play with bath toys and getting to play all day long. I, your MOM am the one who gives you all of these things you WANT. The only thing that I, your MOM wants from you is to obey and go to sleep for naps and bedtime when I want you to. If you do the thing I WANT, I will continue to do aaaaallllllllll the thing you guys want. Now, over the past two days, you guys HAVE NOT done what Mama wanted. So I'm going to stop doing the things you want for a little while." I illustrated this by not allowing Jessica to take a sip of my can of Diet Coke. I reminded her that she WANTED sip of Diet Coke but she did not do what I WANTED today so I was not going to do what she wanted. (We can debate the whole Diet Coke thing later people)

Katie responded to this talk exactly as my genius parenting mind anticipated. She exclaimed with sincerity and much feeling "Mama, I am SO SO SO sorry for not obeying you. I will never do that again and I will be better." This was accompanied with a hug and a kiss. I promptly responded to her by saying "Katie, and I am so sorry I got upset today. I will try and have more patience and understand that you are little and excited and I will be better about not getting upset." Hugs, kisses all around and the world was 50% right again. Jessica was behind the couch climbing on her Dad. "Jessica, honey...", I said hopefully. "Is there anything you'd like to say to Mama?" She giggled and it was obvious she totally knew what I was getting at. "Ummmm, Jessica...can you apologize too?" I asked. "Sorry sorry sorry", she said in a joking voice that held a hint of sarcasm. Not the apology I hoped for. "Jessica", I said, "when you apologize to someone, it's important to really mean it and use your big girl words. I'll go first so you can know how to do it. I am very sorry Jessica that I got upset today and I want you to know I'll try harder not to do that anymore." I looked at her dancing in her zipped up pink fleece footie pajamas, blue eyes dancing, knowing she was going to be really really cute when she finally let her apology rip. "Jessica" I said again, "it's your turn now. Go ahead." She took a deep breath and very sincerely said "Mama, I'm very sorry you got upset today." Mike busted up laughing and so did I, although my laughter was mixed with mirth and frustration. At that point, I gave up and instead took a gigantic guzzle of my Diet Coke and exclaimed "AAAAAAAHHH!" in satisfaction after I drank. She got my point. Indeed I really think she got my point.

Mom 1
Jessica 1

Battle to be continued tomorrow.

1 comment:

Ingrid said...

HILARIOUS! Woman, you are a genius. Love the gulp of diet coke at the end--so perfect. Seriously, I think I'm going to read it again because I laughed so hard the first time.