Saturday, January 31, 2009

iPhone Controversy solved...

The eagle has landed. The cats in the bag. The package has been delivered. The iPhones have been purchased. Much joy and rejoicing was beheld at the local Best Buy. Mike is still all "I'm just nervous blah blah blah my software from my palm blah blah blah tons of data files blah blah blah." And I'm all "cha ching. Thank you iPhone lady for hooking me up. I'll take the hot pink case." We spent our Saturday night feeding our kids whoppers and sprite to keep them happy and quiet as well as picking out accessories and learning about our great new phones but they aren't really just a phone so I'm not going to refer to them as phones but instead will refer to them as the "comperasterepalone" (computer, camera. stereo, palm, phone). I got my iPhone, my blendtec yesterday and we hooked up and had a Guitar Hero battle tonight.

Dear Technology,

I am starting to have a crush on you. Wanna go out?



"I am MODERN Joseph." - name that movie.

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