Thursday, February 19, 2009

I know I know a lot of posts today, but here's juicy deets about us

Childhood Friend, Father of My Kids, Mate of My Soul...

So I read these tags all the time and I get tagged often enough but I never do them because I hate games. WELLLLL....I love games or used to until I married the Meeker family wherein game playing in a family of six sons takes on a whole new definition in which you must have skin of molten steel in order to survive game play with your self esteem and soul in tact. I am proud that I now enjoy the taunting and trash talk from my BROTHERS but hate it from my husband. Our biggest fights have been over board games. So tags feel a little board gameish to me. But I liked this one because as much as you know about me by reading this blog, you don't really know that much dirt about Mike. Let's change that shall we?

What are your middle names?My middle name is Marie. Mike's is Allen after his Uncle Allen.
How long have you been together?We've been married 16 years and 6 months (good golly miss molly), together for almost twenty years but have know each other for 26 years.

How long did you know each other before you started dating?Oh sorry, already answered this. We met in 1983. So 26 years.

Who asked whom out? Me, for sure. Asked him out to go to Mr. Perry's coffee shop for dinner.

How old are each of you? We are 9 months apart. He is 38 and I am 37

Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple? How much time do you have? I think it was hard for me to be the first daughter in law in family of all boys. I was the only daughter in law for 8 years and it was hard to navigate for all of us involved and caused some marital stress. Also, money which is normal. I spend it. Mike would prefer I not. And how can being an Air Force wife AND the spouse of a doctor not cause plenty of stress? Both of these things individually (military and medicine) causes the divorce rate to sky rocket. Put them together and you are lucky if you don't kill each other. But we're getting by and we still like each other so I think we are okay.

Did you go to the same school? We went to the same Junior High and graduated from High school together. We went to different colleges.

Are you from the same home town? Yep and after 12 years of living in glorious Washington DC and three years in Nebraska and 9 months in Colorado it is a weird weird experience to be back in our home town where we rode bikes and caught craw dads in the creek.

Who is smarter? Mike is way more book smart but I retain information FOREVER. I remember everything. I take it back. I'm smarter. He is more disciplined and studied way harder in school. I didn't give a hoot as long as I was having a good time.

Who is the most sensitive? Depends. If it is about real people and real If it is about the Olympics or inspirational sport moments...homeboy cries like a BABY.

Where do you eat out most as a couple? Now that we are back at home I would say our favorite place is Osaka Japanese restaurant. We always get the Osaka Maki roll, Futomaki, Teriyaki salmon or chicken and tempura. Our kids get miso with extra tofu. It's the place we end up the most.
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?Puerto Rico
Who has the craziest exes? Neither. I have warm, wonderful, rose colored memories of every boy I ever dated in high school with the exception of one who will burn in the fiery pits of hell and Mike was a nerd and somehow dated skanks but never knew it so he missed out. So I guess him but they weren't really exes.

Who has the worst temper? Most people would say me. But there have been like three times during our marriage when Mike has like freaked out about something I've done where he loses it and starts just like yelling hysterically. It has only happened three times and each time I have started laughing because it's so out of character and he looks RIDICULOUS when he freaks out. But I ran him over with the car so I guess probably I have the worse temper. Technically I didn't RUN HIM OVER, he was hanging on the hood because he didn't want me to drive away during a fight and I told him to get off the hood and he did not so I took off down the street and at some point he fell off and I drove away. This was a long time ago and rest assured that after having twins we are waaaaayyyyy too tired to fight now.

Who does the cooking? Meeeeee meeeee meeeee glorious meeeeeee.

Who is the neat-freak? We need a neat freak to move in. We have high hopes for Katie. We are not neat. We are not unsanitary but we would not be what you would cal neat freaks. Freaks maybe, but not neat ones.

Who is more stubborn? Mike Mike Miiiiiiiikkkkkeee.

Who hogs the bed? Me. But when we had a queen bed it was a problem. Mike had to learn to sleep perched precariously on a little tiny edge of the bed. Now we have an Eastern King, the largest bed sold in America. He still perches on his edge. So I go to find him with my foot and I pull a groin muscle. It is a problem.

Who wakes up earlier? Are you kidding? He leaves for work at 6 am and on the weekends he can't sleep past nine. In my mind, that is called a freak.

Where was your first date? Mr. Perrys.

Who is more jealous? Me. He's not jealous at all. I used to be a lot more jealous. Now I'm like, you think you can do better? Well you can't. I think we've both realized the grass ain't ever greener. Everybody is as effed up as the next guy. Let's just stick with what we know, what we like and call it a day.

How long did it take to get serious? For him, not long. He wrote a letter to me with a direct quote of "please love me". For me, it took a little longer. But I always knew he was different and he made me feel different than other boys did.

Who eats more? Me. One day Mike came home and smelled dinner cooking and told me he had gotten so busy during the day he had forgotten to eat. I told him that I had forgotten many things in my life. I sometimes fogot where I put my keys, on occasion I had forgotten to change into clean underwear, I had even forgotten once to put on my skirt over my slip and panty hose before leaving for work. But it takes a special kind of stupid to forget to eat.

Who does the laundry? Always always Mike. He is actually nicknamed the Laundry Nazi. I do not do the laundry correctly apparently. I over stuff and don't sort properly. I don't balance the load and all sorts of technical terms. I waited until we were truly desperate to do laundry while he was gone and kept buying more clothes.

Who's better with the computer? You should watch Mike twitch when he realizes I never do security updates or software updates and I have no clue what I'm doing with any technology.

Who drives when you are together? Me always. I have this driving control freak phobia. When we go on vacation to visit family in other states, I start to get hives when I think I will be at the mercy of driving in their vehicles with them at the wheel. Most of Mike's family knows this and lets me drive their cars. They are really great about it because I am actually a FREAK about this. I can drive with my Dad if he is awake which is sometimes in question. He's the only person I can drive with. If I have to drive with someone else, I close my eyes the whole time and breathe out of my mouth. I sweat really badly too. It's a problem. I try to play it off really cool like. But one time, we were out with friends and it started to rain and we had to pull over on the Washington beltway because I couldn't breathe. Yeah, we have all sorts of issues. You can leave anytime now. I won't hold it against you if you don't come back. Nice knowing you.

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