Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Do I love my husband?

I've been reading a lot of blogs lately where the authors love their husbands. A lot. Like they looooooovvvveeee their husbands. Their husbands are sexy and amazing and handsome and perfect and the best most wonderful husbands on the planet earth. Sometimes I love my husband. Sometimes I like my husband. And sometimes, I'm like an old Jewish woman and when asked "Do you like your husband?" I'm all ..."meh".

Is this normal? Like tonight, he was all happy to see me when he got home and wanted to sit at the table and take a moment and gaze all lovingly into my eyes and I was all...the lasagna is getting cold and do you know what it takes to make a four layer lasagna while your kids are sick and napping from scratch? Eat the effing lasagna already. (oh, and for those of you who would say it's not okay to say "effing" are crazy. I like the word effing and those people that judge me are often heard saying "oh my heck" or "that really kicked my trash" which is just as bad) Anyway, back to the husband. There are times and if you read this blog or my other Bossy & The Geek blog, you know I love Mike. He's my best friend and I really really really AM a happily married lady. But not every second of every day. And sometimes I'm like ugh, if I have to listen to one more story about some patient who has high blood pressure AND type 2 diabetes AND high cholesterol, which is apparently the holy trinity of morbidity I think I'm going to have to stab myself in the eye.

I feel like an evil, heartless b-word for even bringing this subject up. Because out in the blogosphere, it just seems like everyone is soooooo in love. And I would classify myself as one of those people too. But somedays, I just want to kick Mike's effing oh my heck trash for no apparent reason. And sometimes, I think I have a great reason. And sometimes I just want to pinch his effing oh my heck trash with love and kisses.

This is just marriage right?'s going to be 17 YEARS in August. SEVENTEEN YEARS. Of medical terms and computer information and science fiction and super hero movies. I think I deserve a freakin' medal.

Oh and P.S if you are sitting up there in your high horse thinking...I bet Mike has had to put up with his share of crap too, you are wrong. I am perfect and lovely and he kisses my stinky feet every day of his lucky little life.


sacramentostakeclerk said...

Bhaahaa! That post was really funny.

I, like you of course, really love my husband. But sometimes he accuses me of being unsentimental and unromantic. Like to the point where he's all, "Melissa. I was just trying to hug you so feel free to put down the knife and stop backing away slowly."

But I think the real challenge, as a reader in the blogosphere, is remembering to take pretty much everything out there with a grain of salt. Everything. Even me.

Travis and Marie said...

I've said this before and I'll say it are hilarious. I think saying "effing" is fine....and I am the same way...sometimes Travis comes in and I love to see him and life is great and I'm all gaga over him for just having another adult to talk to and then there are things to be done or kids screaming and he's in front of the tv and can't get off his rear. There are just moments where yes, we deserve medals....It's the moments when I am really mad or upset with him that I think wow, now would be a good time to take up drinking.