Wednesday, September 10, 2008


So while I was babbling on and on in the previous post about my love for Mike, he was writing the following love letter (email) thousands of miles away. I know...gross huh? Like eeewwww you guys, shut UP already! But we aren't going to shut up. We are just going to gush on people. So please endure our long distance and now (I guess) public long distance love affair. When I was 19, Mike shouted literally from a roof top that he loved me and now he asked me to share with the 3 readers of my blog...that he's still willing to make it public knowledge that he sorta likes me.

From Mike's email that I received exactly after I posted the previous blog entry and went to my email inbox. Freaky? Maybe. Loveish in the coolest way? You bet.

Subject Title: Love Letter To My Girls

Dear Jessica - I love you so so much. I love you because you talk to me and you play chasing games with me and you love to climb on my shoulders. I love you because when you smile it's like the brightest sunshine. Maybe mommy or papa can take some pictures of you smiling and send them to me to make me happy.

Dear Katie - I love you so so much. I love you because you always seem to be happy. And when you are happy, it makes your happy spread to everyone around you. I love you because you are very good at drawing pictures of me and I love to see your pictures. Maybe I can tell mommy how to magically put your pictures on the computer so she can send them to me.

I love both of you girls so much! I miss you because I love to snuggle with you and play with you and I can't right now because I have to stay at work and take care of very sick people. I promise that I will come back again and do all those fun things with you. First comes the wedding, then halloween, then thanksgiving, then Christmas, then I get to come home soon after Christmas!!! YAAAAY!!!

Amy - I love you because you have loved and supported me with your whole heart, body and mind - even giving more than you thought you had. I love you because you are, in an inexplicably real way, part of me. The reason this is so hard right now is because a part - no - the best parts of my body and soul is missing. Know that the parts that remain here with me are yours. Know that they always will be, no matter what life-storms may blow or what trials we are called to bear. I love you... in the deepest, truest ways possible in this life, and my heart is burning with that love right now. You wanted to know how to get back that fire we felt when our love was first being kindled so long ago. It was simple, really,... I needed only to lose you for a week, with no hope of being with you for many weeks more, to wake from the illusion that your eyes, your smile, your lips, your voice, your wit, your humor, your compassion, your heart, your mind, your body and your soul were mine, and always would be no matter what. My heart has finally remembered what my mind has always known but has lately taken for granted... just how wonderful and precious a gift you are. Thank you for blessing my life with yours.

With all my heart, mind, body and soul, I am yours, and always have been.
With all the love I know, and all the love I will ever grow to comprehend,
I love you, Amy...
I love you.
- Mike


kaybee said...

i'm gonna cry! that was a beautiful letter amy. you are a lucky girl...

Amberly said...

I seriously started crying. He is so wonderful. How lucky you are to share such a passionate love for each other. I bet you would take all the bad over again to have the wonderful passion and joy that you get from such a deap love. You guys are wonderful. I love you.

Travis and Marie said...

He definitely has a gift for writing in a way that pulls the heart strings. How lucky you are to know how he feels. That was very sweet!