Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Bedtime Stories With a Message...

I didn't intend to scar my kids for life or anything. First I'll tell the bedtime story I told tonight then I'll tell you about the reaction I got. Feel free to turn me into CPS anytime.

Once upon a time there was a Mama who was so happy. And she had two babies that she loved so much and that made her happy. And one day the Daddy of their house had to go on a long trip for work. And the Mama decided that while the Daddy was gone she would work really hard to make sure her babies were extra happy. So she took them to the park, and made them ballerina dresses, a played games like Elefun with them and twirled and danced and let them sleep in her big bed with her and snuggle in the morning. And the babies were so happy and the Mama was so happy and they hugged and kissed everyday. But one day the babies decided they didn't want to obey and mind the Mama anymore. And the Mama was so sad. And the babies climbed on the couch by the window where it is dangerous, and they broke the closet door and spilled Sprite on the big girl chairs at the table. And when the Mama told them to please not do these things they laughed and did them anyway. And the Mama was sooooo sad. Because she just wanted everyone in the house to be happy and laugh and twirl and hug and kiss. So one day she told the babies about how sad she was and they felt really bad that they hadn't minded their Mama and that they had made her be sad. So they decided from that moment that they would always obey her and follow the rules and quickly mind her so they didn't get hurt and they could all be happy and dance and have so much fun. And then the Mama was so happy again that she could do things that were nice for her babies like go fun places and go to preschool and give them treats. The End.

REACTION: Katie is near tears. Jessica is frantically hugging her baby and rocking back and forth. Jessica says "Mama, I have to say something." I say "go ahead" and she says "Mama, from right now I will be better and mind you and not do things to make you sad so you will be happy." And I say (feeling totally like crap) "thank you Jessica that makes me so happy and you always make me happy and I love you" and then Katie who's little voice is quivering says "Mama, I will be good so you will be happy and I not break anything any more okay? Does that sound like a good plan?" And by this time my voice is all unstable and I feel like the world's worst mother ever and I say "yep Katie Kate, that is a great plan. Thank you so much" Then they go about saying prayers asking Heavenly Father to help them be good and I'm like "why don't you both just stick a knife in my eyeball while you are at it?" (I didn't really say this last part but come ON...the guilt was like crushing me. How the crap did I know their little feelings were going to be so hurt when for the past four days they've been looking right at me as I tell them "no" and laughing like little demons?" One minute, they are so naughty I want to scream and then they are so sweet that I want to eat them with sprinkles on top and a big spoon! I swear it's like they KNEW they were turning the guilt around on me. Do you think 3 year olds can like plot that stuff out? ugh.

1 comment:

Jody Carson said...

I don't think that your girls are going to be carted away any time soon. If your girls laughing at you while you tell them "no" and breaking parts of the house is not something they normally would do, it just might have something to do with their Dad being gone. My friend Melinda's 9 year son old let all of the air out of the tires on her van (and he broke the air pump too.) His Dad is in Iraq. Kids just have a unique way as "expressing" their emotions. I can hardly wait to see what mine will do........ And I happen to think that you found an effective way to get your kids to understand, that you love them and want them to be safe -so they need to listen to you. Good job.