Thursday, September 25, 2008

1st Field Trip

Today the girls had their first field trip of their lives and I have no photos to document the blessed event. But I will describe it in such detail that we won't need pictures. Just joking. But I would like to recap a few moments just for posterity sake. I have no idea what field trips have to do with posterity but you know what I mean.

The 3 year old class met at a local grocery store today for a tour behind the scenes. They have been making their own grocery store inside their classroom where the kids have been bringing empty/clean containers of grocery items and they now have to aisles of a store with cash register and a couple of shopping carts. They are doing a whole month focused on learning about food starting with where it comes from, to what is good for our bodies to making and preparing of various snacks. So the tour of the grocery store kicked off this focus at school. They got to go inside the freezer (Katie hated this part), they got to wave to the people buying milk and yogurt from inside the milk case, they got to watch pork chops being wrapped in plastic, bread being made, stock being stored, cardboard being crushed in a big compactor and all sorts of cool grocery types of stuff. They got to see a whole dead fish and look inside it's mouth (gross) then watch it join it's "friends" in the fish case. The highlights (for my kids at least) were that they got to eat watermelon, cheese & salami in the deli and got a cookie with their initial on it at the end. Oh, and they got goodie bags. Jessica was IN LOVE with the idea that her teachers were there with her at the store. When she sees her main teacher she sort of freaks out like the chick is Hannah Montana. Seriously, she practices how she's going to greet her teacher everyday on the way to preschool and then how she's going to hug her and then what she's going to tell her. Need to please, party of ONE. Katie stands in the middle of the largest group of kids that she can find and makes jokes to anyone who will listen and hugs the kids and every new kid that comes into the group she has to make sure they see her and get hugged and she usually starts running and kids start to chase her while she squeals with delight and grabs Jessica who is jumping up and down watching it all unfold. Then the two of them are running together being chased by the throng of kids until they switch direction and they start to chase the others. It's hard not to predict or think about how they will interact socially later on in school because it seems so defined now. Katie doesn't seem to care if she has the right answer or if she's on track with what is supposed to be happening as long as everyone is laughing and having fun. Jessica worries, plans and thinks about how preschool will go long before she gets there, is so excited to receive any sort of praise from her teacher and is bouncing up and down in excitement to answer questions, write her name or participate in any sort of organized learning.

In any case, the field trip was a resounding success and the girls are so excited for the next time they get to go "field tripping." Thanks to Grandma Meeker who went with us which the girls both really enjoyed.

1 comment:

Jody Carson said...

Grandma Meeker got to go too? How fun! I think Katie looks like you, but Jessica looks like the girl your In-Laws should of had. It's so crazy how they are coming into their own; personality wise.