Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Go Sarah Palin!

I wanted to wait until tonight before I decided what I thought of Sarah Palin, McCain's running mate. I have been reading her bio, her website, articles about her stances and her history. And I can honestly say this. I don't think John McCain could have picked a better running mate. I found her to be articulate, sincere, normal and very common sense. I thought her attacks on Obama were funny, her devotion to John McCain heartfelt and her love for Alaska and the people there to be moving. My Dad said he felt it was very powerful when she stood on the stage with her daughter who has Down's Syndrome and said that there would be a person in the White House who stood for children with special needs. I thought her statements about John McCain's military service were very moving and she is right...he is the only one of the 4 people running in this race that has fought for this country. And he was a POW for many years. I think her passion for an Alaskan natural gas pipeline is very important because we need to take very large steps to decrease our dependence on dangerous foreign governments for our oil. I liked her joke about soccer moms. Q. What's the difference between a pitbull and a soccer mom? A. Lipstick. I thought that was super funny because I've known some of those soccer moms.

Obviously, I have come out strong for Obama. I'm still in the Obama court 100%. But I think if I were Joe Biden, I might be really scared. He has to go and debate this woman who is extremely comfortable and well spoken and who has basically no history. She can attack his record left and right and she has no record to attack. She's basically an unknown. This is smart since John McCain is so entrenched in Washington politics and has been a politician for eons. I wonder if she is the most qualified person to be Vice President but certainly if experience were the gauge on which we elected...Obama would not measure very high either. I believe in Obama's policies and his leadership. And as I've said before, for me it's about ending the war. But picking Sarah Palin was genius on the part of John McCain. Whatever the outcome this coming November...whether the first African American becomes President or the first woman becomes Vice President...both represent their respective "firsts" very well.

1 comment:

Travis and Marie said...

Travis and I watched her speak last night too. We thought she was very witty. I loved it when her family came out and she held her baby.... You are a good example of what each american citizen should be doing - - - research research research...I am in awe at your diligence.