Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Monday Night Ramblings...(an ode to boredom)

I swear you won't care about this post. Just click off and move on to the next blog you like to check. Seriously, nothing interesting here. Just me...bored...in the mood to ramble.

  • My cousin Bo, always played baseball. There's something about baseball players that makes them extra gross. It wasn't enough to just fart in my face when we were kids. He used to have to bend over, spread his butt cheeks then let one rip right in my face. I hadn't had this experience in quite awhile. Then over the past few days - life, the universe, circumstances...whatever - spread it's butt cheeks and has farted in my face.
  • First, I still have a migraine. I've been to the doctor. I got imitrex for migraines first. Didn't work and closed off my throat. Now I have something else called mitrin or something like that for tension headaches not migraines. I think it's my sinus infection from a few weeks ago that's back. But in any case, my head really really hurts. And little 3 year old voices + migraine/tension headache = wanting to have a husband more than ever home and waiting on me hand and foot. A parade in the honor of single parents everywhere should be held down main street of every town, every day and the entire town should be required to participate.
  • Last night, at 11pm, Katie came running into my bedroom screaming "Mama! Jessica is tangled up. She is stuck and we need HELP! HURRY!" This never happens. So I ran into their room. I have a Lands End tote bag that we take back & forth to church w/assorted books and stuff in it that I keep in the bottom of their closet. Well - they emptied it and wrapped one handle around Jessica's neck then twisted the bag so it wound up tight like a twistie tie around her neck until she was scared and it was tight and she was sitting on her bed whimpering. I quickly untwisted the bag, said very loudly...what HAPPENED? Then proceeded to burst into tears and sobbing. Jessica was already crying and continued to sit on her bed crying. Katie saw me cry and started sobbing and hid in the closet crying. Jessica explained Katie put it on her neck and they were playing and it got stuck. Now - they went to bed at 9pm. I thought they were LONG asleep. I was getting ready for bed and getting ready to make my nightly bed check for covers and kisses - but I KNEW they were asleep. Did they wake up and play? The light wasn't on but sometimes they play in the dark. Why had they touched this bag that they had previously never touched? What would have happened if? If...if...if...? If it was tighter? If Katie didn't know to go for help? If Katie was asleep? If there wasn't two of them? If I was already asleep? If I had taken ambien? If If IF. I couldn't get the what if's out of my mind. Even when I unloaded all of it on Mike on our morning webcam call - I was still pretty shaken up. We've gone over a million rules today, removed all bags, belts, hair ribbon and bags of pull ups, wipes etc. from their bedroom today. My Dad came over tonight and bolted all furniture that could tip over in my house to the wall and examined the closets for locks which will be installed. I'm feeling much more calm about it but there is a huge part of me that will be tempted to bring them to bed with me every night for the rest of my life. And they've never seen me cry. Ever. Until last night. I know it really shook them and I wonder if that is worse than the choking danger? Ugh. Parenting is way hard sometimes. And scarrier than Freddy Krueger from Nightmare on Elm Street. I am so thankful to my Dad. He's the best.
  • I am also thankful to Mike's Dad who has stopped by to see the girls, check on me, call and make sure we're okay more times than I deserve since Mike is gone. Thanks Bill.
  • I am thankful Mike is doing well. I am glad we made him surprise decorations for his room and that his first care package is going out tomorrow. I love him and miss him.
  • I think we are going to take a vacation when he gets home. I am going back and forth between Hawaii and someplace closer that we can drive. We can catch a hop to Hawaii pretty easily so airfare isn't an issue. But it's harder and I'm not sure if 3 yrs old is too young to enjoy Hawaii? Maybe just renting a condo in Tahoe and playing board games and sledding and drinking hot chocolate would be more fun and create more family bonding time?
  • I'm so excited to go to Susan's wedding this Saturday. And the girls will be flower girls. And I'm so nervous for them because what if they blow it? What if Katie lifts up her dress and shows all her goods like she normally does when she gets nervous? What if they yell "hi mom" as they walk down the aisle? What if they break something important? I know all will be fine. And people love it when kids sort of blow it at weddings right?
  • I have a headache. Did I mention that?
  • I am addicted to Dinner My Way or Dream Dinners or whatever you have in your town. If you don't know about these places oh good night nurse you are missing out. I was missing out too cuz I just used them for the first time last week and let me tell you the food I got was economical and delish. And pretty healthy. I could have chosen healthier menu items. But man oh man they were easy and great. And I felt like I was cooking even though I really wasn't. Oh so good.
  • I should go. I have so many things to get done these days. And I'm really bad at getting a single one done. I'm even bad at the basic stuff like unloading the dishwasher and washing clothes. I'm so lucky the girls and I have so many pairs of undies. Seriously, really really glad.

On that happy note, I'll sign off for now. If you are still reading, I told you there wasn't anything really interesting being posted today. So - sorry for that.

1 comment:

Anne said...

For some reason when someone gives a disclaimer about a possibly uninteresting post, I'm drawn to it even more. And yours did not disappoint!

OK, the choking/tangled up story is SCARY! I don't blame you for taking the drastic measures you did to keep your kids safe. I'm a total worry wart and would probably just bring my kids into my bed for the rest of my life if that happend- for real! I'm so glad Jessica is ok!

Migraines. I'm with you on that one. Got one right now, although the drugs are starting to work. I can't imagine having 3 year old twins with no husband AND a migraine. You have my permission to bring out the junk food and videos until you feel better (for them, not you). It's survival mode.

Your kids would love Hawaii. They are not too young. Esp. if airfare isn't an issue, go! We've been taking our kids since they were babies. They love it. Great memories, and you will be much more relaxed than a sledding/bundling-up-freezing-children-vacation in Tahoe. Aloha. And Mahalo.

Your girls will be darling, mishaps and all, as flower girls. Please post pictures and embarrassing stories pronto.

Dinner My Way- a Godsend. My only problem now is my family has outgrown their meals... not enough food to go around. But I used it religiously until about a year ago. I loved it. They need to have an option for larger families. I would buy stock in that company if they went public.

Sorry for the long comment. Good luck with the migraine. If mine goes away, I'll come over and watch your kids if you want me to. I will even do your dishes.