Thursday, September 4, 2008

Replaced Already?

Sorry Mike. You are away. A long ways away. What's a lonely girl to do but tape the new Ewan McGregor ad to her fridge and pretend it is her new husband. Ewan...what would you like for dinner? Spaghetti? Good Choice! Be careful not to get any on your foxy white scarf. And the spaghetti will never smell better than you Ewan. mmmmmm....have you SEEN this ad? Can you BLAME me? Don't worry...I just want to have Ewan around and have him sing that one love song from Moulin Rouge that he sang to Nicole Kidman when he and I first fell in love. And feed him spaghetti. All my thoughts are strictly PG. Well maybe PG-13 at most.

1 comment:

Amberly said...

Very nice. He is very lusty in this picture. I have always loved him. Plus I bet he's way better at picking up after himself than Mike is. LYL