Sunday, August 31, 2008

Tis The Season

I think I love late summer better than Christmas. The produce, the produce stands, the farmers markets and all the freshness that abounds just makes me so happy. And tomatoes are probably my favorite of all in season fruits and veggies. This is probably because it coincides with fresh corn season and fresh peaches season. But I find myself looking for multiple reasons to make things with tomatoes right now. And today, I think the all time best thing ever happened inside my oven. I made these slow roasted oven tomatoes from Smitten Kitchen. Oh, let me tell you...if you even like tomatoes a little bit...please try this. Then, store them in your fridge in some olive oil and put them in everything from omlettes to pasta to fish to salads to the best one (drum roll) on top of bagels with cream cheese and sea salt. Yum yum yum, dance, twirl and pop another one of these lovelies in your pie hole.

I would have pictures for you but Smitten Kitchen owns the copywrite to the pix for this recipe so just go there for both the visual, directions and to drool.

On parchment paper, half cherry or grape tomatoes. If you use romas or campenellis you'll either need to increase your cooking time or quarter them. Drizzle with olive oil enough to make them glisten and sprinkle with some kosher salt. You can add some herbs, black pepper or garlic if you want but I wouldn't. They are so perfect with just a little salt and oil.

1 comment:

Denissa said...

Hi Amy,
It's Susan's other daughter Denissa!! I've been reading your blog when I go to Kris's and I always crack up!! I'm in a cooking "rut" and can't wait to try some of your recipes. Your girls are gorgeous! I'll be praying for you guys on Mike's deployment.
Denissa :)
here is a link for my blog