Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Almost Dead To Me

Awhile back, I did a post of things that were Dead To Me. This list comprised things that I just can't stand anymore so I'm choosing to pretend they no longer exist on planet earth. The following is a list of things that are almost dead to me, meaning they are on notice that if they do not shape up then they will become dead to me. Got it?

  • The Government of the People's Republic of China - look, I have no beef with Chinese people. (no duck, pork or chicken & snowpeas either ha ha) But their government left a lot to be desired over the past few weeks. First, the little girl who had the beautiful voice and sang the song about world peace at the opening ceremonies was actually just a really cute girl. The voice came from what the government deemed was a less cute girl and the really cute girl with pigtails and rosy cheeks was just put there for window dressing. How would you like to be 7 yrs old, super cute in actuality, have an amazing voice and told by your government that you just aren't cute enough but we'd still like to use your voice? Ummm....therapy later? Then, the 12 year olds on the womens gymnastic team that had falsified passports issued by who? Oh...the government. Then, the whole dishonor issue regarding the male sprinter that was supposed to do really well. Hello? Chinese Government? He tore his Achilles!!! Let's tear the Achilles of one member of the polit bureau and see if they feel like sprinting around a track shall we? And pulling passports of former Olympic gold medalists because they are involved in aide work in Darfar? That's just ridiculous. And you know why I can say all this? Because I live in America. Thank goodness for that.
  • Homemade Rice Krispee Treats- Have you tasted the ones that come out of the package? They are WAY better.
  • Cheeseburgers - I used to love Cheeseburgers. In fact, they were a major weakness of mine. When I was on a diet, I didn't crave chocolate...but I really craved a juicy cheeseburger. So what happened to them? They all taste like dried out cardboard now. Where can a girl get her cheeseburger on people?
  • Shaving - I cut myself in the shower on the night of our anniversary. It's 2008...is it really necessary for us to still be cutting ourselves in the shower and not realize it until the shave gel or soap run into the cut and then it's too late, you are in the kind of pain that stings but you can't stop what you are doing and you just keep shaving away hoping you don't cut your other leg. I just am over the whole thing.
  • Regular deodorant - now that they have Secret Clinical strength...is there any reason to use anything else?
  • My closet - it will never be organized. It is a pit sent up to me directly from hell in which things go in but never come out because they get eaten by the demons that live there.
  • The heat - I am so ready for fall, crisp mornings, jeans, sweaters, my clogs, not having to get a pedicure every 5 seconds, walks around the neighborhood, going to the park, eating caramel apples, going to the pumpkin patch, sitting outside with a blanket and a book in the coolish weather but still okay to be outside because it's super sunny. Heat heat go away!
  • Old people that think they still have it together but in reality have totally lost it but then get mad at you when you kindly volunteer to put their medications together for them because they CAN DO IT STILL even though when you ask them what they take everyday they end up telling you "I take 3 chlonadine in the morning. Then I take 1 chlonadine at 11. Then 2 chlonadine at 7. Then 4 chlonadine at bedtime." In actuality, they take 3 chlonadine per day and all those other pills all have other names. Ummmmm.....I think you need to let it go now. Bless their heart. (I just had to follow that comment with bless their heart so you won't think I'm some elderly hater cuz I'm not but I hope when I am in my eighties that I let my kind relatives help me instead of overdosing myself with blood pressure medication).


Amberly said...

I am so sick of summer as well. I love the fall, when it's not to cold, all you need is a light Jacket. I also agree about the Chinese government, but not about the cheesburgers.

Jody Carson said...

Is the Chinese Government controlling cnn.com as well? I keep waiting to read updates about how the whole under-aged gymnast thing is going, but there is nothing. I think I need to switch news websites...........