Sunday, August 17, 2008

My Own Personal Mastercard Ad & other misc ramblings

Yard Guy - 50 dollars
Cleaning Lady - 70 dollars
Take Out - 20 dollars
Number of boxes to still be unpacked in garage - 20 gazillion

Watching the Olympics round the clock snuggled on the couch with your 2 chicas and your husband who is leaving for Afghanistan - PRICELESS

There are some things money and time can't buy.
Luckily, for the past week, there's been...LAZINESS.

This doesn't REALLY sum up my life for the past week and a half but sorta. My kitchen needs to be cleaned and there are more boxes in the garage than I'm comfortable with, but it's been fun snuggling on the couch with Mike and the girls and just being. When our Bishop talked about Mike Phelps today at church both Katie and Jessica squealed out "DADDY...LYMPICS!!!" I wish maybe we weren't watching "as much" lympics as we are...but I'm just taking advantage of the extra snuggles and kick back pace we are living life. For that, it's been really fun.

Yesterday on the way home from Grandma Meeker's birthday party, we stopped at a roadside orchard stand and bought peaches, tomatoes and pluots just outside of Marysville. Man, let me just tell you that if a ripe pluot would of been on the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden, I would have been toast. I can't tell you how great this fruit is. And on top of the sweet, almost ambrosia quality of this fruit, I got to have a lightly toasted plain bagel, with whipped cream cheese, thinly sliced warm from the garden ripe summer tomato and gray salt. Oh my...what a treat. For 12 years we lived where produce grew, but just can NOT be compared to the produce of the central valley of California. I am so thankful for all the farmers markets, fresh produce in the supermarkets and especially the road side stand we stopped at yesterday. Everything has been great this season. My girls love all of it. I don't think they've met a fruit or vegetable they don't love. The other night we had Bill over for dinner and I grilled some salmon on a cedar plank but everything else on the table was fresh produce. We grilled fresh white corn on the cob, sliced ripe tomatoes, English sweet cucumber, fresh peaches and blueberries tossed with amazing Yogurt Cream and even caramel apples for dessert. It was a festival of fruit and veggies. We are so lucky to live here. Thank you farmers!!!!

We really enjoy our new church we are attending. In our church, when you move, you change congregations so we are brand new and getting to know everyone. We spoke in church today and then both Mike and I taught classes. It was fun to jump right in and get to know some folks. I am very thankful for fresh starts in our lives and am thankful my girls love going to church so much. They said their favorite thing about church is snuggling in the big long chair (pew) because we always sit all together and get to snuggle as a "whole family".

Tonight we played a new game called "I love you more than (fill in the blank)." So I told Jessica "I love you more than Diet Coke" she replied "I love you more than drawing "J"'s" and then Mike said "girls, I love you guys more than Olympics." and both girls just stopped what they were doing and looked at him and Jessica goes..."wow". She KNOWS how much her Dad loves the Olympics.

I am really enjoying the frozen yogurt trend that is back on. We have a number of Pinkberry impostors in ou home town that charge by the ounce and have like over 100 toppings. The pinkberry flavor is called "tart" at our yogurt shops and topping it with strawberries, blueberries and granola is heaven. And the yogurt is only 25 calories/ounce. The granola is bad but the berries are great too. If you have fro-yo in your area you should totally check it out.

Anyhoo- that's all I got for tonight. These are just my random ramblings as I sit here listening to the girls, the Olympics, Mike returning a page (he's on call) and the clicking of the keyboard. These are the sounds of my house. I'm sure going to miss the sound of Mike's voice...except ewwwww....right now he's talking to someone on the phone about vaginal discharge. gross. Such is the life of the on call doc. Sad... really gonna miss him, vag discharge conversations and all.

1 comment:

Jody Carson said...

Frozen yogurt sounds really good right now.........Yay to local produce! I keep wishing that the dollar was doing better over here so we could buy more of it. It sounds like it was a yummy meal! I have to say that it's hard to watch the Olympics when you don't have cable. Does Mike have any websites that he would recommend that I can check out? Thanks!