Tuesday, August 5, 2008

First Day of Preschool

Today is the day I've been dreading since October. Today, my babies started preschool. Every parent I've talked to doesn't seem to understand why I wasn't looking forward to today. I approached it like some painful dentist appointment...an event that I know is necessary and will be for my betterment but will most certainly be painful and long.

Now the girls did not share my feelings. They felt nothing but sheer delight and excitement for today. They were excited to learn, excited to get to know their teacher, excited to play and cut with scissors. They were especially excited for circle time and that they would get a snack.

Katie could feel my nervousness. She told her Dad on the way to preschool, "Daddy, mama is a little bit sad." And when he asked her why, she replied, "because we are going to be apart from mama. Jessica Rose and I go to preschool together and we have our best friend with us the whoooollllleeeeeee time." Then she looked in my rear view mirror and said to me "mama don't worry, me and Jessica Rose will always come back for you. At the end of preschool you will come get us and we be together AGAIN!!!"

"Thanks Katie Kate", I said. "That makes me feel better. But I'm still going to miss you."

Jessica pipes up from the back "we going to miss you too Mama, but that is how preschool goes."

And that my friends is why I'm so sad. Because she's right, that's how preschool goes. And kindergarten, and elementary school and high school and life and pretty soon before you know it I will be shuffling along in a local mall wondering why the girls haven't called and whether or not they give senior coupons on Tuesdays.

This event, the going off to school, is the first time they'll leave ME. From now and forever more they'll be leaving. And I'll be waiting. Waiting for them to come back and share their experiences with me. Because you know what? I've never liked or wanted to hang out with anyone more in my life than these two chicks. I think they are the coolest, funnest and most facsinating people I've ever known.

In any case, they had a blast today. They had no hesitation and ran into the classroom first as soon as their teacher opened the door. They were so excited and happy it was hard not to feel glad for them. Mike went with us for first day of school and then he peeled me away from the window, dried my tears and took me out for a super nice lunch at our favorite restaurant Boulevard Bistro. When I picked up the girls, they were red in the face, tired and so happy.

I asked Jessica if she had fun and she did. Except for this little diddy she shared with me. "There was this kid in a green shirt that tried to push me down, but I was TOUGH. And I said hey I'm 3 and no kid in a green shirt is gonna push me down."

I gave her a high five for being tough and a hug and kiss for not pushing back.

Other than the green shirted bully, they said all the other kids were nice and that they wanted to go back Thursday. It's my turn to bring snacks. Today, somebody brought them pizza and apple juice. That's a pretty darn tootin' good snack. I gotta do some rethinking of my cheese cut with star and flower cookie cutters and crackers. I still think that would be a cute and good snack but homemade little pizzas? Come ON.

In any case, we are now officially in preschool. There will be lots of funny stories that preschool will inspire. And hopefully, I'll get used to it.

I think our system sucks. It's design to is tear kids away from their moms. So does the wild. Animals are so pressed to break away, fly the coop, leave the nest, wean, remove themselves from the pack blah blah blah. I think babies should just get to stay babies and live with their moms forever drinking chocolate milk and reading Pinkalicious.


sacramentostakeclerk said...

I'm always blown away by your girls' emotional wisdom (at 3!)... the way they know what's really going on under the surface.

Plus they're hilarious! (Which I love.) I think you're right. Pre-school is going to give us blog-readers lots of good material to look forward to.

Jody Carson said...

The only time during the school year that I get sad and get tears in my eyes, in when I watch both of my babies waving at me while the bus is leaving for the first day of school. It gets me every year. As I listen to the other Moms at the bus stop talk about how happy they are to see their kids FINALLY go back to school I think to myself "Is there something wrong with me that I LOVE having my kids at home with me?" I love when my kids are off for holidays and vacations. My children are my friends.

I am glad that your SOCIAL little girls are excited about preschool, and that Jessica is learning to stick up for herself. I too look forward to reading about their many adventures to come.

kaybee said...

yay for jess & katie! it'll get better each time aims. and yes, they grow up way too fast. just savior each and every day w/them.

Anne said...

I can't agree more. And, Oh my gosh, how cute are your kids? You will never stop worrying/missing your kids when they are away. I can't even begin to imagine mine leaving for college or getting married... and that's not THAT far away.

But those first goodbyes, dang, those are SO tender. Hang in there.