Thursday, August 21, 2008

4 years ago today...

Four years ago today I conceived my daughters. Nooooo. I'm not going to tell you some gross story that starts out with a candlelit dinner and ends where...well... you think it's going to end. Nope. That's not how I roll. Instead, 4 years ago I was laying in a bed in a Navy Lodge in Bethesda Maryland recovering from IVF surgery. My parents were with me. Mike was in Nebraska stuck in Residency orientation. Some of his very best representatives were back in Maryland, having made the journey from cyrogenic tank (frozen), to thaw, to a petri dish where they made their long awaited journey toward my low quality eggs, where 4 of them did the job they were created to do. But all that happened like 4rs 3 days ago. TODAY, 4 years ago, I went from my bed, to Walter Reed Army Hospital where the little Katie embryo and the little Jessica embryo were taken from the petri dish, put into a large straw and inserted via catheter into my hormone shots induced ready and waiting uterus. My mom held my hand as we watched via ultrasound a little flash of light burst inside of me, hoping and praying that the light would grow into something I hadn't really dared to dream was possible. I think this day, August 21st 2004, is the most significant day in my life. More than my wedding, more than the day they were born. It's the day our dreams came true, it's the day those dreams took form and shape. Little did we know, that flash of light would someday look at me and say "ha ha, I made a little pup. (fart) Sometimes, pups are funny!" Or "Mama...why does Mama start with an M? And why does Jessica start with a J? And why does Katie start with a K? And why does Daddy start with a D? And why does Grammie start with a G? And why does Papa start with a P? Mama? Mama? Are you listening? MAMA! I need to talk to you. (Pause) Why does Mama start with a M?" Oh, that little burst of light. You guys did good.


Kori said...

I think your daughter just wrote a Dr. Seuss book called 'WHY???'

Travis and Marie said...

I've never heard that story. I love it! weird how fast 4 years goes by...huh?