Tuesday, April 8, 2008

We are finally declaring Obama support

Well folks, you probably already knew this, but the Mike, Amy, Katie & Jessica family is officially declaring our support for Obama in 08. The more we listen to this man and the more we learn about decisions he has made, the more we feel in our hearts that he is an exceptional husband, father and public servant. We have not been this excited about a candidate before. We believe Obama is a strong Christian with values that we share. For 28 years, 2 families have been in the white house. (Regan/Bush, Bush, Clinton, W.Bush) We really think it's time to change things up. People say Obama isn't ready for the Presidency and he needs more experience. He has more experience than Kennedy did and he handled The Bay of Pigs, The Cuban Missle Crisis and the Vietnam war. We believe that we are not going to accomplish what we would like to in Iraq. John McCain would have us increase our presence there. This war centers around religion. This region has been at war for all time and it is Biblical that they will be at war until Christ comes again. We believe Obama has the best chance to change things in Washington. We think Michelle will make an awesome First Lady and we truly support Obama in this election. We don't think mathematically that Hilary can get the nomination (thank goodness) and we feel John McCain is not stable and has PTSD and would not be an instrument of peace but an instrument of war. Many people keep their political view to themselves but we feel that if your convictions lead you in a certain way that you have an obligation to share them and not to be ashamed. We don't mean to offend anyone but we encourage ALL to truly study the candidates positions. Don't just vote Republican because you always have. The same goes for voting Democrat. Read their books, read their websites and most importantly, watch the upcoming debates and the conventions. John McCain is a good man and sacrificed a lot of this country. Mike's Uncle Lucky was a POW in Vietnam for 7 long and painful years. All of our POWs should get our respect and gratitude. But what John McCain has voted for, supported and said since then does not make us feel like he represents our own personal morals and values. You can visit Barack Obama's website at http://www.mybarackobama.com/ to get more information about this amazing public servant and future leader of our country.

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