Saturday, April 26, 2008

My New Blog Site - My Love Story With My Friend Mike

In homage to the Pioneer Woman who I secretly love and worship and want to be, I am starting a separate blog that will chronicle chapter by chapter my love story with my husband Mike. We met in 7th grade and have been married for 15 years. This story, entitled "Bossy And The Geek" will chronicle our story from my first memory of him in 7th grade, through high school, through my conversion to a different religion, through college, his mission, the first years of marriage, infertility, life as an Air Force wife, life as a Medical Student's Wife, life as a Resident's wife etc. It will chronicle reaching my dream of finally working on Capitol Hill for a Lobbying Firm where I had encounters with Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, getting shot the peace sign from Yasser Arafat, the bagel and table I shared with Katie Couric and the exciting things around every corner that happen when living and working in the greatest city in the world, Washington DC. I hope to share in a very real fashion the ups and downs of marriage, moving away from home, weight gain and loss, depression, infertility, success in career, high risk pregnancy and the whirlwind that has been live since the birth of our twins. I do this for myself, so that I can write it all down, to relive these memories and remind myself of who I am.

Since quitting work I am in the midst of an identity crisis. I am no longer Amy, the Corporate Executive on Capitol Hill who lunches with clients and makes multi million dollar deals. But I don't feel like Amy the stay-at-home wife and yeegads...the housewife. (Breathe Amy. Swallow Amy. Don't hyperventilate and panic. It's just a word. It doesn't mean anything.) So I hope by visiting my past, I can figure out what direction I want my future to go. I hope to discover that there are parts of all of these versions of my former self in me still and I hope to decide where to go from here. For those of you in your mid thirties, it will take you back to your childhood and teenage years with many cultural references like gag me with a spoon and Depeche Mode. If you grew up with me, you might find your own name mentioned a time or two. I did not change names to protect the innocent or guilty.

So, if you'd like...come along with me for the journey. You'll get to know way more information than you probably want to about me. But I offer this up to the ethos as my truth. Who knows, if you decide to join me, maybe it will take us both some place special.

With Love, Amy

Reach my new blog dedicated strictly to Bossy And The Geek at : Hope you have as much fun reading it as I had writing it. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Travis and Marie said...

I know exactly how you feel about being in the midst of an identity crisis. although I didn't have the same struggles that you have had, I forewarn expectant women that I am close to that sometimes motherhood is just a reminder that you no longer exist as who you were before you had kids. It's something I still struggle with and my oldest is 6. It has gotten better for me...but very challenging to find where exactly you fit after your life changes so drastically.