Monday, March 23, 2009

I've been gone for awhile...

I have good reasons for not blogging for awhile. First, I went on facebook for the first time. And within a day, 39 people from my past lives had reached out to me. This scared the holy crap out of me. I've discussed my reverse case of agoraphobia here before. I do not have a fear of leaving the house, however, I have a big fear of anyone coming over to my house. And all of a sudden it was people people people everywhere. It scared me for a second. Then, I decided it made me really happy. It was great to see these names that I hadn't seen in twenty years. To know that there were people out there that I share the common history and experience of childhood with and that we shared similar memories and experiences. So the first day I was all "facebook is the devil" and today I can honestly say "facebook is a nice way to keep in touch with old friends as long as you don't take it seriously and go over the top with glam pictures of yourself and try to be all sexy and cool because then you are just path-et-ick." (Emphasis on the ick) My second reason for staying away is that my Internet connection plug got bent and so we could not connect to our cable modem until Comcast came out and fixed it. Thirdly, I am depressed. Not in a need an intervention way but in a normal way. I have to have surgery on May 1st on my knee. Then in six months I have to have the same surgery on the other knee. Each surgery carries a six to nine month recovery period. Longer than a knee replacement surgery. This is depressing to me because it means I will be re-habbing for the better part of the upcoming year. Mike will go back to the desert in approximately 13 months so I will be recovering from surgery for the majority of the time he's here. This means cancelled vacations and plans because he has to use all his leave to take extra care of me. Fourth, I just haven been inspired by the creative bug that makes me walk over to my lap top and sit with it for fifteen minutes while I think and reflect.

That's all. I enjoy this blogging thing. I enjoy the writing of it and the retelling of my stories. It's fun for me.


kaybee said...

hey girl! i am on fb and will friend ya!! hope your spirits will lift. call me....

Anonymous said...

So does the surgury mean you wont be able to come to South Carolina??? Are you going to be up for touring Orlando with us next week? You have me all concerned now. BTW- I'm gonna find you on facebook!