Saturday, March 14, 2009

Friday Confessions on a Saturday

  • To start the ball rolling, I'm a day late in making my confessions. Last night, when I normally would have written them I was fighting with my husband because he said a bad word directed at me which totally made me mad. My parents had the girls and we were supposed to be spending an evening alone together if you get my drift. Well I definitely spent an evening alone, just me and my book.
  • I took the girls to the park this week and purposefully picked the park that you had to walk a ways to get to the playground area because the road would be further away and I would be able to read my books for longer stretches of time because it would take them longer to be able to run into the street.
  • I had a dinner tonight with girls from high school. I hadn't seen most of these people in 20 years. I was so nervous as the week went on and the dinner was getting closer and closer that I ate a cheeseburger this week and almost an entire package of Oreo double stuff cookies. Gee, wonder why I broke out.
  • I went to my Grandma's for dinner on Tuesday night. She let the girls blow bubbles in her kitchen. This left the linoleum all wet and slippery from the bubble liquid. She could have fallen and broken her neck after we left. Instead of getting down on my hands and knees and making sure all the slippery was wiped up, I made the girls do it because I was tired and have bad knees. I hope my Grandma didn't fall because I'm sure 4 year old wiping was not very thorough.
  • My jeans are shrinking. I swear they are tighter today than they were two weeks ago. Think it could have something to do with chocolate croissants and double stuffed oreos? Yeah I don't think so either. I just think they are shrinking.
  • I love dramas on television that aren't very moral in their content. Gray's Anatomy, Private Practice, Desperate Housewives...I don't need to go on. But I live a pretty moral life. I don't drink, I don't sleep with random people, I don't commit corporate espionage. So I feel a little bit of giddy envy that there are people out there really screwed up committing all sort of crimes and sins. It makes me a little bit happy.
  • I enjoy when people fall. I mean like I really enjoy it. A kid fell in the classroom when I was picking up the girls from preschool and all the other parents rushed to help him and I had to turn away because I was laughing so hard.
  • I cleaned my entire closet today. It was so disorganized and a total mess. I am so happy it is clean. But the condition I had let it get in should be criminal. Seriously, a horrible horrible mess.
  • I emptied out my van this week. The contents filled my formal living room. I even kept everything there until Mike got home so he could see just how much stuff I had in my van. His comment was "DANG...I didn't know a van could hold that much stuff."
  • I have so many shoes. Mike begged me to throw away or give away some shoes today when I cleaned my closet and I promised him I would and I didn't. I just couldn't part with them. Even old beat up shoes. I promised myself I would take them to shoe repair guy. And I know I won't. But I still can't get rid of them.


Travis and Marie said...

I love your confessions...I think they are so funny....I hope you don't mind me borrowing the idea....I might get better at it like you are too...:)

Kori said...

I absolutely LOVE when people fall too...I even laugh at myself when I fall! Keeps me from crying too!!!

I wear a size 10...shoe not pants. So if you have any shoes that would fit me, let me know.