Monday, March 30, 2009

Birthday Shout Outs

So I'm late in wishing my Mom happy birthday on my blog. Not that she reads it or would notice or care but I'm late just like I'm late in everything right now in my life. Except my period. Oh it's right on time wretched curse. But Mom turned 22 again on Saturday but we celebrated last Thursday so I feel really late in posting her birthday shout out. My favorite things about my Mom. She's the best grammie the girls could ever have. She is straight up and smack you in the face honest and has no ability what so ever to be fake in any way. (this can present a challenge when dealing with events when fakeness is called for but it rocks in all other ways) She is awesome to my husband which given 17 years of marriage she has been an eye witness to his flaws and he has been an eye witness to hers so the fact that they love each other makes me love them both a lot. She still laughs at my Dad's jokes even though she's heard them a million times. She is both shy and tough. She is fiercely as in pit bull plus rottweiler plus doberman pincher loyal to those she loves and I happen to be one of those people so it's great for me. She calls me on my crazy. She's the same today and she has always been. A constant among the sea of change in my life. Thanks Mom and happy birthday.

Now as for my Grandma Bea, today is ACTUALLY her birthday so I'm not late at all. We had a rockin party for her at her house on Saturday night. Scene: A room full of old people that can't hear so aren't talking. Crickets chirping. Chirp chirp. Pizza. Orange Soda and Root Beer. Cake and Ice Cream. Balloons. One princess crown courtesy of Jessica and Katie. And the best part, my 89 year old Grammie surrounded by people her love her and came to honor her and made an effort to let her know that she is special. Because she is so so so special. She is kind and generous and good. She is sad right now. She has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's and is preparing to move into an assisted living place where she can have her meals prepared and some nice staff to help her with her day to day responsibilities. I look at this as a wonderful blessing for her, an exciting new chapter in her life. She is fun and kind and has never lacked for friends so I know she will be happy and make friends and relish in the fact that she does not have to cook or do things for herself that she is honestly not able to do any longer. My prayer is that God will send her a friend that will give her companionship and someone to help her not feel alone and scared. I know God has sent specific people into my life at specific times in which I have needed them and I believe He will do the same for my Gram. 89 years today she came into the world. And all of us are here because of her. I was so happy we got to honor and celebrate her on Saturday night. She is truly one of the bright spots in my life.

1 comment:

Kori said...