Saturday, March 14, 2009

Fun Girls Night Out

Thanks to a great girl I went to high school with named Kathie, I got to spend the evening with some girls I haven't seen in twenty years. Kathie put together a really fun dinner out with girls from high school. It was so much fun getting to see people I grew up with and share conversation and a meal. I have wonderful memories of my childhood and growing up years. It was wonderful to see these girls and see pictures of their children and see what wonderful people they have turned out to be. I got to ride with my best friend from high school Gretchen who I love with all of my heart and is the single person in the world besides Mike who knows me, the real me, the best. I also got to ride with my friend Kori who I always liked in high school and we hung out in a lot of the same groups so we were friends but who as an adult I have come to love deeply as we have reconnected and with whom I have found a true kindred spirit. So girls, thanks for a fun evening, one I was nervous about in the beginning but by the end of it I felt more centered and relaxed.

I'm less nervous about my 20 year reunion coming up this summer. But I'm still going to bleach my teeth and try to fit in a lot of plastic surgery.

1 comment:

Kori said...

I agree this was a TON-O-FUN!!! I can't wait for the next one! When is it??? Let's plan it...Let's go to Ernesto's!