Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Great Candy Debate of 2009

I went to Rite-Aid yesterday and purchased massive amounts of Easter candy because they were on sale 2 bags for $2. As Mike and the girls and I have torn into this candy and RAPIDLY consumed the different candies, I have thought about a question that is eternal in nature and incredibly more important for our society to address and answer than what we should do about our economy. This question is so important for people to answer because it says so very much about a person. So please, even if you have never been inclined to leave a comment on the blog, please weigh in on this issue, even if you do it anonymously.

Here's the question. What is the best candy in existence?

I present the following for your consideration.

I divide candy into different categories. I don't think you can pick one "BEST" candy because there are totally different candy for different moods and situations.

1st category: Chocolate
This category of candy is absolutely necessary in certain situations. PMS is just one. It's necessary when you get your heart broken, when you are concerned, when you are happy, when you have to pull an all nighter etc.

2nd category: Fruity Candy
This includes but is not limited to things like starburst, jelly beans and life savers.

3rd category: Hard Candy
Sometimes you need something to pop in your mouth and last a while. This comes in handy when you are on airplane and when you are on road trips. This type of candy is also critical when you are on a diet.

4th category: Movie Candy
Because do you really ever buy milk duds or junior mints someplace other than the movies?

5th category: Special Occasion Candy
This is the stuff you buy to have around at Christmas or give as a gift.

6th category: Generational Candy
This is the candy that you eat to remind you of being a kid. All the super sour candy and super hot candy came out after I grew up. The most sour candy they had around when we were kids were Sweet Tarts or Tart N Tinys or Lemonheads and we thought these were so sour. They are NOTHING compared to the super sour candy that came out in the 90's. This candy actually causes the eater pain. I think people that like this kind of candy are untrustworthy and secretly sadistic and have suicidal tendencies. Sorry Chuck and Steve...your generation of Sour Patch kids and Warheads just is wrong in the eternal scheme of things.

So here are my favorite candies in each category and then I will announce my Best In Show.

Chocolate: This is such a hard one because sometimes I just need a Lindt milk chocolate truffle and sometimes I just want a twix. However, I asked myself this question. When you are in the mood for chocolate, what is the one substance that you will ALWAYS be okay with. And the answer was simple, snickers. Always snickers.

Fruity Candy: This one is simple. Starburst, particularly cherry starburst. I considered Jelly Bellys, Mamba, Now & Laters and Laughy Taffy so those would get honorable mention. But Starburst win hands down.

Hard Candy: I don't even really like hard candy, but if I have to pick one it would be Pepp-O-Mint Lifesavers. Honorable mention goes to those hard strawberry candies with the gooey stuff inside they sell at Hickory Farms and butterscotch.

Movie Candy: Up until I met Mike I would have always chosen junior mints. But that got left in the dust 100% by milk duds eaten with popcorn. There is something about the salty popcorn, mixed with the caramel and just a little bit of chocolate that is a party for all of your senses. It hits smell and taste and sound and feel all at once. And we only eat this during a movie. So it also represents memories of our date nights when the popcorn was perched on Mike's knee and our hands would reach for the popcorn at the same time and brush and he would give my hand a little nuzzle and we'd munch and watch movies like Pretty Woman and Braveheart and Sleepless in Seattle and Titanic IN the actual movie theater.

Special Occasion Candy: For our family this would have to be something that comes from Sees. So the winner in this category for me is a coconut cream in milk chocolate. Honorable mention goes to strawberry creams and English Toffee too.

Generational Candy: The candy above all other candies that I picked at the circle K growing up was Fun Dip. You remember the one where you got two sticks of white hard candy that you would dip into pixie stix like powder. There was something about the dipping, the sweet and sour sensation and the fact you got to eat the stick at the end that made me very happy as a kid. I bought my girls Fun Dip to go in their Easter baskets.

BEST IN SHOW: Of all my favorite candies in each category, it's very surprising that it is so easy for me to pick a favorite. It's Starburst. Hands Down. And Starburst are very unhealthy, even for candy. So I'm not proud of my choice. But it's true.

So what's yours?


Anonymous said...

You don't know me but I read your blog and I would have to say my favorite candy is dark chocolate with a high cocoa content. They say that this kind of candy even helps with depression and I believe that is true. Love your blog by the way.

Ingrid said...

I'm glad someone has finally broached this ultra important subject. I believe all of us with blogs should follow your lead and pose the question ourselves. Way to go Amy!
Here's my favs:
Chocolate--Green and Black's organic dark chocolate with orange. I love the pairing and like to keep a secret stash around the house.
Fruity--twizzlers. Classic with a not too fruity and not too sweet taste.
Hard Candy--Butterscotch candies. They bring me back to my Grandma's house.
Movie Candy--Love milk duds but hate digging them out of my teeth so I'd have to say raisinets.
Special Occasion--There is a candy shop in Fargo ND that makes wonderful chocolate but what I love the most are their caramel apples they make every fall. Seriously, the most perfect, tart apple with rich, buttery caramel. I wish it were fall now just thinking about it.
Generational Candy--It was a slab of caramel the size of a hershey bar that you had to chew and chew. I don't remember the name but I remember it came in a red box with plaid on it. My teeth hurt when I think of how much chewing it the caramel required both it was so worth the flavor. It probably explains some of the cavities I have today!

Kori said...

I knew I would love this post!!! Mentio candy and I am all over it. I am the one who can stand in the gas station/Long's and just keep looking and looking!

Here are my top choices...THIS IS SOOO HARD!

CHOCOLATE: This is a big one. If I am choosing plain chocolate, Dove Dark.

Fruity: ummm I love Skittles, red bag, but I only eat the red, purple and green ones. Josh eats the other colors.

Hard Candy: I love Blow Pops-2 treats in one!

Movie Candy: I love Peanuttles! But I am also a Junior Mint girl.

Special Occasion Candy: If it is Christmas I must have a box of Nuts and Chews from See's.

Generational Candy: This is a tough one...hmmm One candy that takes me right back is an Idaho Spud. I remember driving to Oregon and the one of the best things was to find that first gas station that had then and we would buy a bunch of them. They were my mom's favorite. The one that I will eat to think of my dad is that shiny red Annabelle's Rocky Road bar or a big hunk. For me though, I would have to say the Jolly Rancher sticks. Do you remember breaking a piece off and forming it to the top of your mouth and pretending it was a retainer???

Hmmm, all time favorite I might say either a Heath bar or the original Peanut Butter Twix bar before they changed it to a chocolate cookie. Why ruin a great thing??? My new favorite candy bar is the Reeses Crispy Crunchy...It is awesome!

Amy said...

Kori-the jolly rancher retainer thing was the most hilarious thing I've read in a long long time. It made me laugh until I cried. You had to pick watermelon only because it looked the most like a retainer mold thing. And I forgot about Blow Pops...GOOD CALL.

Ingrid - was the caramel bar the one from Englind that was butterscotch caramel where it had like rectangles and it was super chewy? It came in a red plaid box but was more "gourmet" than other candy. I remember it was the best caramel. The other super hard to chew caramel I remember was abba zabba and bit o honey but those didn't come in red boxes. I need to know the name of this candy because I love super chewy caramel.

Kori said...

I asked this question of my lunch friends at school and my friend Tracy said, RAZZLES. Remember those? They turned into gum. Gina said Gobstoppers. Geoff said Whoppers. Katie said Milky Way. Jean said Jolly Rancher Fire sticks and Tracey with an 'ey' said Atomic Fireballs. It was fun to talk about at lunch time!There are many others that I have thought of, but I will share those with you some other time. I should have mentioned something about the BAIT STORE next to Kerr, that we would stop at everyday before and after school to buy cinnamon toothpicks and Now and Laters and all those JR sticks. Remember that??? Or riding your bike to Sprouse Ritz...and your bike was still outside when you were done buying all you could for $1.00!

Oh and how did we not remember POP ROCKS???

Amy said...

Kori You would deny knowing me as a friend if you knew how often Mike and I talked about the Bait shop and Video Stop and Country Drug and Mar Val and EG Food Market and Cinnamon toothpicks and how you go about making them and when I had this conversation with Mike he was all "I have one word dude...POP ROCKS eaten while drinking a can of coke!" And then we high fived like we were hysterical. I LOVE razzles so tell Tracy she is right on.