Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Our First ER Visit

I did NOT encounter John Stamos. Or George Clooney. Or Noah Wylie or Anthony Edwards even. BUT, I did just get back from our local ER. Katie had a blood gushing head wound. Her Mom got nauseated and FREAKED out. I sobbed and sobbed. My mother in law got my sick father in law out of bed and met me at the ER. Soooooooo.... here's what happened.

We went to Borders after preschool instead of our normal naps. I know whenever I deviate from our normal schedule...something is bound to go wrong. Anyway, we came home about 5pm, changed from our wet cold clothes into warm, footie pajamas. I put on a sweatshirt and pajama bottoms and we settled in to watch Oprah and play. The girls were playing near the Christmas tree. I told them they could either play in the family room where I was at or in their play room. I did not want them playing in the living room near the tree. WELL, I should have shut my mouth. They were in their play room. I heard a crash. Jessica came running out. I said what happened? And she said "Katie hurt her head!" I called into Katie and heard nothing but quiet. I ran into the play room to find Katie in the middle of one of those sobs where it's so hard no noise comes out. Then as soon as she saw me she let out a cry. I kissed the back of her head and rubbed it like I normally do and that's when I saw the blood on my hand and running down her neck and on her pajamas. I calmly walked her into the family room, grabbed a dish towel and proceeded to investigate what I was sure would be a small little wound. 10 minutes of pressure later and blood all over me, all over her and all over the couch caused my panic level to steadily rise from about a 4 out of 10 to a 17 out of 10. My parents were hosting a dinner party tonight for my Mom's 3 friends and their husbands that she has known since childhood. She never entertains and she was super excited about the party. A GOOD daughter would have not called and bugged her. I am NOT a good daughter. I called and told her I couldn't get the blood to stop and she said to go to the ER and I couldn't for the life of me understand what she meant or where to go and she reminded me of the 24 hour urgent care center by my house that I had taken Jessica to one time when she had a really bad cough over the weekend. So I threw shoes on the girls and threw them in the car. I called my Mother In Law from my cell phone sobbing hysterically and she couldn't understand me. Finally after about three tries I got out what happened and she hopped in the car after getting my father in law who is sick out of bed just in case he was needed. Once they got there I was MUCH calmer, the bleeding had basically stopped by then. The doctor came in and Jessica introduced all of us and explained "my sissy Katie hurt her head cuz she stood up on her sit and spin and fell on the shelf!" All the questions he asked Katie, Jessica answered. She talked very loudly non stop so I think she was worried too. I talk non stop and I get loud when I am scared. Katie closed her eyes and leaned into me and said "MAMA, PLEASE DON'T LET HIM GIVE ME A SHOT". So I was soooo happy to hear that she did not need stitches. He put some stuff on it that made it clot up and not bleed. He told me not to wash her hair because that will make it bleed more. I guess it has to scab up. He said to watch her for a concussion and if she gets sick to her stomach or seems unresponsive to come right back. But that she should be just fine. Katie says she's "AOK, but her heady still hurts a lot". She's eating a 1/2 caramel and 1/2 hot fudge sundae from McDonalds right now which is how I told her that Daddy likes his sundaes. She seems fine now but just in case I'm letting both of them sleep with me.

I wish I could say I did great and handled it like a pro but I fell apart, sobbed my head off and freaked out at all the blood. Man oh man. There is nothing like your baby bleeding so bad it's soaking through a dish towel. If I didn't before today, I OFFICIALLY miss Mike. I need him to come now please.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad she's ok! Give her a big kiss from us, ok? :)

Jody Carson said...

Oh Amy!!! I do not do well with head injuries!!! Wow! I'm SO sorry!! Poor Katie.......... :(