Thursday, December 25, 2008

Dear Jessica and Katie

Dear Girls,

I just wanted to take a moment on this Christmas night to tell you how thankful I am that I got to spend Christmas with you today. This was the first year that you both understood what Christmas was sort of about and you couldn't wait. Our celebration started yesterday morning where we had a big "GIRLS ONLY" morning of bubble baths and playing beauty parlor. I let you both wear so much makeup you looked like one of those kids from those toddler beauty pageants. I curled your hair, we spritzed, sprayed, lotioned, lipsticked and twirled our lashes. We all put on RED lipstick. You had velvet and silk dresses in black and cranberry red. Katie had a black organza bow and Jessica had on a black velvet french Beret hat. Your white tights had lace bottoms and you both looked so cute I could hardly stand it. We went to your Great Grandma Oliver's house. We joined Papa's family for Mexican food and presents. We had a talk before Christmas about how important it was to be excited not just for your presents but also for other people. Everyone would get presents and you wanted to be sure they knew how happy you were for them. So every time someone would open a present, you would stand up and yell "Goooooo CHRISTMAS!" like cheerleaders for a football team. You were so excited and you ran around so hard I was sure we would end up in the ER again. But you were just fine. We got to talk to Daddy on the phone. We then made our way to Grammie and Papa's for the night. Great Gramma Bea spent the night too. You got new night gowns and fuzzy pink robes. You put out cookies and milk for Santa. I told you that he would be here very soon so you had to go right to bed. Katie told me she changed her mind about what she wanted from Santa. Instead of a purple race car she wanted her Daddy to come home. I love you for that Katie. You went to bed and we slept together in the big bed. You woke up at 8:30 and wanted to see if Santa came. We did your hair in bows that matched your jammies and put on blush and lipstick and went out to greet Christmas. Your first stop down the hall was Great Grandma's room to wake her up and wish her Merry Christmas. Then, we all got our stockings. Santa brought you your race cars and safety scissors along with what would be your favorite toy so far...a slinky. Then we baked Croissants from William Sonoma and had a wonderful Christmas morning. I was so proud of you because you never demanded anything like being the next one to open a present. There were no shouts of "MINE MINE" or the normal self interests of 3 year olds. You loved everything you got, everything you gave to others, everything period. Daddy called and you were happy to stop opening presents to talk to him. We missed him so much, all of us did. But we all managed to remain happy and in a Merry Christmas mood so we went back to presents and fun. Your eyes were so bright and you guys were so excited and loving. We went to Grandma and Grandpa Meekers after and you got to see Uncle Ron and Uncle Steve again. You got to give your presents out and clap and sing and give hugs and kisses. We went back to Grammie and Papas and the three of us "tried" to take a nap. I sang a song to you about Christmas and we collectively decided that we were too excited to sleep. So we got up and helped prepare Christmas dinner. We had ham and all the fixings and both of your Great Grandmas came over for dinner. We went around the table and shared our favorite things about Christmas and also our New Years Resolutions. Jessica, your resolution is to not climb on the couch anymore and Katie, yours is to mind your mama. You made Papa promise his resolution would be not to pull your toes off.

We had lots of chocolate for dessert and made our way back to our house so we could climb into my big bed, snuggle and play Leapsters and watch Sleeping Beauty. It truly was a great Christmas. Thanks for making what could have been a sad day for Mama into a happy one. I love you both and you were my favorite part of Christmas.



Travis and Marie said...

I love beauty parlor! I need to play that with Gwendalin...she would love it. That was a very sweet letter. :) I hope Santa brought them their wishes...(I know daddy didn't get to come home...but soon, right?)

Jody Carson said...

I hope that you took pictures, because it sounds like Christmas day was totally FUN for you guys! Love you!