Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday Confessions

  • My kids were so loud at lunch yesterday at Mimi's. I was with my Grandma Bea who can't hear. I just wanted to eat. So I let them be loud because Grams couldn't hear them anyway. Much to the other diners annoyance. Sorry Mimi's customers on Arden Way yesterday. I just wanted to enjoy my Small Bite Summer Special of grilled shrimp and asparagus with pesto aioli. I didn't have it in me to tell my kids to shut it.
  • I fed my kids Bing cherries, strawberries and pistachios for breakfast today. I told them we were pretending we were camping and living off the land. Where on earth is a camp site near cherry and pistachio trees with a strawberry patch nearby? I just didn't want to make breakfast. But aren't nuts and berries good for you?
  • A lot of times I don't understand what Jessica says. But I nod my head and tell her good job anyway. This could be good or could be bad. We'll just have to see.
  • I taddled on the big kids at the bouncy place the other day. They were being rough and not taking turns on the bouncy slide and going down head first and I was afraid my kids would get run over. yeah, I was that mom. The one who goes and tells the manager that the kids aren't being careful. I couldn't even talk to myself after.
  • The kids tore up their room and took down all the cute princess appliques I had stuck on their wall above their crib. (they aren't white trashy they were cute) Normally, I would have busted them for doing this but I figure it's one less thing I have to do before I move. I'm so inconsistent and lame.

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