Friday, March 7, 2008

Friday Confessions #2

Wow, I didn't post anything all week. It's been a busy and boring one I'm afraid to say. However, just because it's been boring DOES NOT mean I don't have things to get off my chest and confess to you, my one lone reader...okay maybe two.

1. I have a bacterial infection called follicularitus where I get tons of bumps (like a rash) behind my neck and ears. I have to take antibiotics to cure it. My confession is that I thought maybe somehow from the McDonald's Play land or something I had contracted head lice. I was sure that's what I had so I went to the doctor to find out what to do. I am confessing because I was 100% sure I had head lice and I was 100% sure I would not tell anyone. How prideful of me.

2. I love reality television. I am a Survivor freak and I love Big Brother, Amazing Race, American Gladiators, The Hills, The Apprentice you name it...I love it.

3. I promise my kids rewards if they take a good nap for me and then I don't deliver unless they remind me. Today if they take a good nap they will get a bath with a Popsicle in the bathtub. They'll get the bath because they are grimy little suckers but not the Popsicle if they don't remember. How mean am I?

4. I don't answer my phone and I don't listen to the messages. I should just leave a message saying "hi it's amy, don't leave me a message because I will not be listening to it. " Right now, my mailbox is full and I will be ruthlessly deleting messages without listening to them ASAP.

5. I don't want to delete messages because all that will do is clear up space so people can leave more messages I won't be listening to. I swear it's not because I don't care about the people in my life. It's a reverse form of agoraphobia, where I'm fine to go out of the house and see people but I am freaked out about other people invading my cocoon and causing me to have even more responsibilities than I already do. I'm afraid then I will be an even bigger flake and have an even longer to do list that I don't accomplish.

1 comment:

jolleyzoo said...

Amy, I love this idea and how honest. I am so glad it was not head lice and hope you will be getting better soon. I'm not sure if I agree with your choice not to check messages.....excuse me don't you know how many people love you. What if my dog got ran over and I needed Mike to fly down and help me?? (haha). I do understand the phone issue though, it never stops ringing around here. So glad I have found your site, you know I am gonna have to stalk it now.
Love you all,
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