Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My BABIES are going to leave the nest...

I just registered my teensy tiny helpless BABIES for preschool starting in the fall. I can't believe they are going to enter the cruel, dog eat dog world already. Granted it's only 2 days/week and they will be with other 3 year olds and it's only for a couple of hours each time but still, kids will be mean to them, and maybe they'll make friends and maybe they won't. What if they don't? What if they get teased or hit or BITTEN? What if one makes friends and the other one doesn't? What if there is that one mean girl that is in every class who you are dying to be friends with even though you know in your heart she isn't a good person? But she has designer Jordache jeans and perfectly feathered blond hair and seems to have sparkles and butterflies on everything she wears. She comes with the tag-a-long girls who are also mean but will never be quite as cool as THAT girl. She's the one you laugh along with while she verbally abuses nice, shy, smart kids just because you want her to think you are cool. Then you go home and cry at night because you can't get the picked on kid's face out of your mind and you can't believe you didn't stick up for them. You vow that tomorrow you will play with that kid at recess but when recess comes you line up for four square with blondie and her tag -a-longs hoping they will accept you and dreading the day when they turn their taunting on you.

Okay, I need to get a grip. It's a bunch of 3 year olds. They'll be fine right? RIGHT? Oh, crap, what have I done?

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