Sunday, March 23, 2008

Friday Confessions #3 (on Saturday)

I'm late this week with my confessions due to an awful case of the flu right after I got back from my "moms gone wild" trip to Portland. Here are the burdens I would like to release this week.

1. When I went to Portland with Mike, I didn't read any of the books I brought. I watched TV, slept, went to the mall and watched more TV. Sometimes I sat in my hotel room with my book on my lap in silence until a giggle would burst from my throat because I was sitting in a hotel room in silence.

2. I really didn't see Mike hardly at all while in Portland. And you know what? I was so fine with it. I know it was supposed to be this reconnecting, couples, spend time together like the good ol' days trip but instead it was a spend time with myself doing whatever the hell I pleased trip while he was stuck in medical lectures about billing and coding insurance claims correctly.

3. I was supposed to go eat at the free buffet breakfast in the hotel each morning but guess what? I slept through the breakfast time and didn't tell Mike I missed breakfast. I just treated myself to an extra nice lunch after I rolled out of bed.

4. I got the flu when I got back. I never unpacked. I still have not unpacked. Doesn't that just drive you nuts? I think it makes my mom itchy.

5. I'm secretly in love with Bobby Flay from the cooking channel. I'm not joking, I would very much like to go on a date with Bobby Flay and I would if I had the chance. Of course, the date would entail him cooking a 5 course meal for me on his BBQ grill while explaining every step to me in his cute New York Irish accent while he flipped my big fat juicy steak in his Iron Chef America apron. But my lust for Bobby is real and sinful.'s out there and I guess we are all going to have to deal people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you're feeling better!! I'll send good vibes your way, ok? :) BTW, I think its ok to have crush on Bobby Flay... I'm in love with Paul Bettany. he he