Tuesday, March 11, 2008


My kids have Spring Fever. They've been couped up all winter and have had a taste of freedom these past 3 weeks since the weather has gotten warmer. And they are fed up and are revolting against being inside. Today, I needed to clean my house. It had gotten to that certain level of stank so I could put it off no longer. However, the girls had other ideas. They think as soon as the sun rises they need to go to the play park, and visiting to Grammy & Papa's and go eat at The Donalds (McDonalds) and go to Costco and have a picnic. Staying inside and playing with their gazillion toys while mom attempts to clean out the fridge and do some laundry was not going to fly.

So being inside all the time has brought out a side of my kids that I'd rather not have rear it's ugly head. They join forces to take me down. They climb on counters, get into closets, take off their clothes and jump on couch. They litter toys, clothes, stickers, food etc. all over my house. As soon as I clean one area it's trashed before I clean the next. ugh. ugh. and ugh.

I'm so over it.

1 comment:

jolleyzoo said...

Looks like you have listed some of the reasons us mothers get gray hair a little early. I give you so much props for being the mom of twins, how do you do it?? I was always wanted a large family and I got it, but I NEVER wanted twins, so Heavenly Father heard my request and gave me kids close in age. My biggest gap is 26 months, my closest gap is 10 months. Hang in there mama, you'll make it.