Thursday, March 27, 2008

I 50% love it when my kids are sick

I would normally save this for Friday confessions but I think it's so heinous it needs it's own post. I 50% hate it and 50% love it when my kids are sick. I think of every mom I know who says "I HATE it when my kids are sick. They are so sad and it's so hard etc etc etc" I always reply to their statements with a "yeah, i totally hate it to." But I really don't. Take it point right now. Jessica has a fever of 103 and Katie has 102. I feel really badly for them. They are super sad and feel awful and I really do suffer for them. But they also want me to snuggle them all the time, they are quiet and sweet in their footie pajamas and messed up hair. I don't have to deal with messed up toys, continuous requests for trips to the play park, snacks, riding bikes, going on rides in the car etc. They just like to lay on me and watch cartoons and have me hold them. They like to go into my big bed and snuggle with me and take an extra long nap. And they always are saying "mom, i need you. hold me." Secretly, (until now)...I love these kinds of days. I love love love these kids. The little sickos.

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