Sunday, March 9, 2008

Fun At The Carnival!

Mike & Jessica on the airplane ride.

Did you ever have this sort of wonderment on a merry-go-round? I know I did.

Waiting in Line For The Fish Ride

Katie & Jessica at the carnival, Saturday, March 1, 2008

Last Saturday, we went to a carnival in our hometown. When I was a kid, it was a special treat to go to this carnival. I rode the exact same merry-go-round when I was a newborn baby. I have taken the kids there 3 times since they have been born and my parents have taken them there a few times. All the rides are designed for kids about 8 yrs old and younger. It's the best place. Old fashioned rides without all the modern safety features. They have REAL cotton candy made right before your very eyes instead of prepackaged in bag with no stick. And the best part is each ride is just ONE ticket. Too much fun. Here are some pix from the day.

1 comment:

jolleyzoo said...

What a awesome day for all of you and well deserved at that. Yourgirls are getting so big, so fast Can't you give find a way to keep them young a little longer. I love the picture at the top of your page. Sending our love always.