Friday, February 29, 2008

Friday Confessions

I'm not Catholic. But when I was about 11, I went with Jenny Sanchez on a Catechism overnighter at St. Josephs in my hometown I was fascinated with the confessional. It was carved wood and it had a bench and a screen. I knew that you didn't have to look at the Priest when you said your confession and that it was this anonymous thing where you had to tell every bad thing you did or worse yet...thought. I thought it was deliciously romantic, intriguing and scary all at the same time. I remember Jenny and her sisters had gone to confession the weekend before. I remember dying with curiosity about what Jenny told the Priest. Did any part of her confession include stuff about me? After all, we got into plenty of trouble, said swear words, lusted after boys named Steve, Scott, Chris and Robby and snooped through her dads "magazines". So was the Priest absolving Jenny and thinking...oh boy...that Amy Oliver is sure in trouble? Was I in trouble? In any case, I have always secretly wanted to go to confession. I think it's a good idea to get stuff off your chest, clear your conscious and be reminded that even though we all sin we are also all forgiven. I believe we can do this ourselves through prayer and receive the comfort of forgiveness through Christ and a peaceful feeling that comes over us when we promise to do better.

BUT...I still secretly long to go to confession. Maybe with a black veil over my face, a pillbox hat, a dress from the 50s and a Patten leather purse with a lace handkerchief peeking out. I would wear pearls and waterproof mascara and most definitely NOT red lipstick. Alas, this will never happen. So...I am going to start something I call Friday confession and get the things that have been bothering off my chest and off my obviously deranged mind.

I feel bad about criticizing passive aggressive people. They can't handle confrontation. So what? I'm not great at it either.

I ate most of the jelly beans I bought the girls. I told them the jelly beans were gone but not why. It's because I had a jelly bean party for one after they went down for a nap.

I drink entirely too much diet coke. I'm not planning on doing better on this one, I just know it's wrong.

I bought Mike a pair of shoes and brought them home like it was a surprise and a present for him given out of the kindness of my heart. I did not tell him there was a buy one get one free sale and my pair of more expensive espadrilles were in a box outside in the car. His new flip flops were free.

Ooooooohhhh that feels so much better. I would say 20 Hail Marys if I knew how. Instead, I will throw 20 Hail Mary passes with my kids nerf football.

peace out

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