Thursday, January 8, 2009

Questions, never ending questions

Mostly Jessica but Katie too have discovered they can ask questions upon questions and never get bored at all.

On the way to my Mom and Dad's:

Mama, did you know the opposite of wet is dry? Me Yes
Mama, did you know that the opposite of day is night? Me Yes
Mama, what is the opposite of midnight? Me Mid-day.
What is Mid-day? Me noon
What is noon? 12:00 in the daytime
What is daytime? When it's light outside?
But it didn't get light today. Why didn't it get light? Me because it was cloudy and gray.
What is gray? Me the sky
Why is it gray? Me Jessica I can't keep answering your questions.
Why Mama? Me Because you are asking too many.
What is too many? Me More than 5.
Is Silver (our van) a boy or a girl? Me I don't know. What do you think Silver is?
A boy. Me well I guess silver is a boy.
And Rocket (my Dad's truck) is a big boy. Me Yep
Mama, why is Silver a boy? Me Because you decided Silver was a boy.
Mama, why did I decide silver is a boy. Me Jessica I can't answer all your questions, please be quiet for a little while.
Mama, do you want me to be quiet or can I sing and talk to Katie? You can sing and talk to Katie.
Mama, play Happy Working Song on the radio. (she means CD and the soundtrack to Enchanted) Me I push play
Mama, can we listen to this when we go back to our house too? Me No, because I will have cemented your mouth shut by then. If you are still alive.

I never thought the word Mama, or Mommy or Mom would bug me. But my life is just all questions. All day long. Questions. And more questions.

1 comment:

Jody Carson said...

The latest way that my kids have been addressing me is, "Hey Mom?" I don't know why it BUGS me, but it does..........