Friday, January 30, 2009

The Great iPhone Controversy of 2009

Mike and I had our first fight since he got home. It was an important issue and even more importantly I was right. See, I reeeeaaaallllyyyy think we need iPhones. For Christmas I got Mike a whole digital music themed gift. It included an Alpine stereo for his car that played CDs but also had a docking station for an ipod. He got an ipod touch, a charger, a docking station for the bedroom with great speakers, a gift card for installation of the car stereo, a charger and an itunes gift card. I know! I'm the coolest wife EVER. But the more research I did, the more I realized that he would be carrying around his cell, PDA (palm pilot) and his ipod. That's three devices already. Add the fact he often carries a camera or a video camera and there's even more. If he were to be on call, and somewhere he was taking pictures or video, he would be carrying seven electronic devices just on his little body alone. So I started to have buyers remorse about getting him an ipod. I want him to have less to carry and we are trying to simplify our lives. I did some research on the iphone and we could BOTH get an iphone plus stereos for our car etc for the same amount his ipod touch and stereo cost.

He was not thrilled about considering the iphone. Apparently he has a system. Don't ask me what that means but I guess the iphone presents a threat. To his system. He likes his palm pilot. He was willing to consider changing his phone and getting an ipod but he made it clear for me not to muck with his palm pilot. He is very attached apparently to his palm pilot. He has spent "years" loading it full of information that he has to have to do his job. The point I made is that perhaps there is better and cooler technology out there that could deliver the information he already has in a more efficient and user friendly way. He grumbled and muttered something about not liking change. I then pointed out that he isn't still working on his Commodore 64 from 1987 and maybe he needed to shut his trap and embrace the fact that it is 2009 and get with it. He grumbled again and said that he was mad when he came back from his mission and found the Commodore 64 was broken. Ummmmmm...are you KIDDING ME? I knew at this point he was just being ridiculous and I could not reason with an insane person so I dropped it.

Until TODAY. Oh today you glorious day. It does not often happen in a marriage that you get in a fight with your spouse the night before and then in the morning paper an article is published that provides written PROOF that you were right and he was wrong. Neiner neiner neiner you are a weiner. Today, in the Sacramento Bee (our local newspaper) there was a lovely little article all about how iphones are making doctors practice medicine more efficiently and how over 170 applications have been added that doctors can use to diagnose, treat and reference while treating their patients. It even went on to say that Family Medicine physicians are the ones that are finding this technology so helpful because they have to treat such a broad range of conditions. It went on and on in glorious and wonderful and happy detail. The best thing the article pointed out is that the applications doctors would use the most are FREE to download. It also said that PDAs (Mike's beloved palm pilot) are becoming obsolete and that medical schools and hospitals are issuing their students and residents iphones instead.

The article closed by saying "SUCK IT MIKE MEEKER." Just joking it didn't say that. But I did.

Disclaimer: part of me is happy that Mike is so resistant to change. He still eats Wheaties everyday for breakfast and even though there are WAY better things in which to make chocolate milk, he still uses Nestle Quick powder. He still uses creamy JIF peanut butter even though crunchy is way better and still uses Smuckers Strawberry preserves and still eats a PB&J and a glass of chocolate milk every night before bedtime. He still wears Nikes and he still dresses in jeans, nikes, a tshirt and a leather jacket everyday of his life. He still wears sweats on an airplane, still thinks Bon Jovi is the best rock band of all time except for maybe the Eagles and some CCR and importantly, finally and most importantly he is still crazy about me. So the fact that he was trying to hold on to his beloved palm pilot is secretly endearing even though I had to make a strong case to the contrary.

1 comment:

Kori said...

At least Mike Meeker is no longer wearing his black Member's Only jacket! That is something to be grateful for...He can wear his leather jacket for as long as he wants!