Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Favorite Things...

Yes I know I'm not Oprah. But I would like to share some of my recent favorites none the less.

  • Boulevard Bistro, Elk Grove, CA. If you live anywhere in Northern California you must go here. Tonight. Go now. Wait. You need reservations. And pants. So do that first. Then go. This is our favorite restaurant. I went there for lunch today with Mom and I was reminded of why I love it so. Imagine this. A perfectly cooked and seasoned salmon pinwheel stuffed with fresh herbs on a bed of fresh (not frozen or canned) peas with onion and bacon and cream. All of this along side potatoes that were sliced thinly and mixed with onion and cream and chives and perfect. And this is just what I had. I could not imagine anything better until I tried my Mom's. She got beef stroganoff with a perfectly cooked New York steak all crispy on the outside but velvety smooth. House made pasta and mushrooms alongside a light sauce with a hint of tang and tossed with the perfect amount of sauce vs. pasta which is so hard to do with stroganoff. We ended with Pots Au Creme. This is BOTH Mike and my favorite dessert. We have had it in NYC, DC, San Fran, Vegas and everywhere in between but this little Bistro in Elk Grove does it better than any place we have ever found. By a long shot. It's chocolate and creamy and so freakin good your head might explode from the goodness. Just trust me. Go there. You won't be sorry. And say hi to Debbie. She owns the joint with her Chef husband who creates these amazing yummy things for your mouth. For those of you that don't live here, aren't you sort of jealous right now?
  • Rachel's yogurt - this should have reached your grocery stores by now. It's with the Yoplait in a black carton. It's the best yogurt in the world. And the flavors are so not your typical mixed berry. I had Acai Blueberry the other day. And I've tried Mango Passion fruit, Vanilla Chai, Lavender Honey, Pink Grapefruit Lychee. It's goes on and on. It's great. It's puts Yoplait to shame.
  • The Sun - I know it's easy to take the sun for granted. It rises and sets the same each day. But just about this time of year I find myself extra thankful for it's warmth and power to cause flowers to bloom and beautify my world.
  • Modern medicine - Had I lived long ago I would be sentenced to live the rest of my life with my knees in their current state. I would not be able to have surgery on Friday, nor would I be able to take the medicines needed to ease the pain. And pain is all around me. It engulfs my soul and causes me to wince with every step. I wish I didn't have to have surgery but I'm glad I can.
  • Grey's Anatomy - I know people think this show is all about sex and totally unrealistic. If I wanted to watch a show that was realistic and did not contain sex I would just put a camera in my house and hit record. Just joking. I kid, I kid. But you know what they say...there is truth in jest. A whole lot of effing truth.
  • Separate beds for children - Whoever talked me into the queen bed in the girls new big girl room did a swell job of trickery and deception. "We want to sleep together Mama. We will go right to sleep every time with NOOOOOOO talking because we will be big girls because we will be four. " At 11:00 p.m. last night I got them to sleep by threatening to tell the "no more monkeys jumping on the bed" story because Jessica hates it so much it makes her cry. She begged Katie to "stop talking Katie!!" while she was in tears. Yeah, I pretty much felt like the awesomest Mom in the world at that moment. Separate beds. Do not deviate from this plan. I'm stuck with the queen and all the new big girl bedding until hopefully the novelty wears off and they can fall asleep.
  • Dates with your spouse. They say never to stop dating your spouse and I could not agree more. Set aside at least one Saturday night/month if you can to go on a date. Put on makeup. Take a shower. Talk to each other without the children present. It's a good thing. You'll be a better mother because of it. Experts say to go once/week but people have budgets and baby sitters are hard to come by sometimes. If you don't have a significant other, take yourself on a date. Treat yourself to a nice meal and take a good book. Linger over the meal and enjoy the peacefulness of it all. It's just a nice thing to do. You could go to the Boulevard Bistro.

I have come full circle, wasn't that nice?

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