Monday, October 20, 2008

Jalapeno Juice -

Have you ever diced a fresh Jalapeno pepper, taken the membrane and seeds out like all good gringos should do, then washed up in the sink. Only to lick your thumb HOURS LATER and have your lips and tongue explode with heat? Apparently, the soap didn't reach this one little spot on the back of my thumb and there was some left over oils from the pepper and let me tell you, it was agony. My lips exploded and my tongue freaked out and I ran to get milk which is known to put out spice fire in your mouth.

Just remember this story next time you are dancing with the pepper. Wash twice, with soap and warm water and scrub scrub scrub.


Jody Carson said...

And when you use your Wusthof kitchen scisors to cut up jalapenos, do remember to wash the seeds off of the blades, because if you don't the acid from the seeds will EAT away at the blades!!!!! True story. Grrr....

Anonymous said...

Amy, I lost your email address, but what program do you have for your pictures, because your pictures always look gorgeous! Email me back!