Thursday, October 16, 2008

I know a lot of posts today...but I've had time...

There is this proposition in California right now on the ballot (I forget the number) which is in some way about cruelty to farm animals. The very graphic commercial shows really sick chickens, a cow getting hit by a forklift and just basic graphic cruelty that would make you sick to your stomach. It came on while I was sitting quietly holding Katie after naptime. I made a dash for the remote but not before she said "Heyyyyy...ANIMALS!!!!" I didn't want to scare her so I said "yep, animals" and held my breath. Then she said "bock bock, moo, cockadoodledoo" and I said "yep those are the sounds of the farm" and I was sure she was going to break into hysterical crying. (after all we just saw a cow get forklifted on it's side-I wanted to cry) She very calmly looked at me and said "Mama, those animals are not our pets. They are MEAT. Dogs will always be our pets only. "

Good gravy - I gave birth to a Republican.

1 comment:

Jody Carson said...

Ha, ha, HA! Somebody up there got a good chuckle over that! But Amy, I KNOW that you are not a vegetarian. And neither is Katie.... ;)