Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Gospel According to Katie

Amber and Chuck have this fun game they play with their kids. It's called the Bean Game I think. It has beans and a cup. Each kid gets asked a question about the scriptures, God, Jesus, the Gospel in general etc. that would be appropriate for that kid. If they get it right they put a bean in a jar and when the group gets 10 beans everyone gets a treat. This encourages teamwork, cooperation and no competitiveness which is good when you are trying to remember that Jesus told us to Love One Another.

Emma, (who is 2 by the way) loves the story of Jesus calming the storm when he is with his disciples. Peter is super scared and Jesus calms the storm by saying "Peace, Be Still". This is a lesson for our lives that when our own personal storms blow we need to remember that our Savior can bring peace to our hearts and lives. I love this story. I've told it maybe zero times to my kids. I'm a great Mom like that.

Anyhoo, so Auntie Amber is asking Emma what Jesus said when he calmed the storm and she goes "And Jesus said Peeeeeeeaccceeee???..." she sounded out the word peace so Emma would then say "Be Still". Instead, Katie, who was super into the game because of the promise of a treat at the end was trying to "help" Emma and when Auntie Amber said "peaaaaccceee?" Katie finished the answer by saying "zza!!"

So in case you are ever wondering, according to the Gospel of Katie, Chapter six verse five, Jesus said to his disciples "Pizza, Be Still". And so it was.

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