Monday, February 25, 2008

Are My Kids Freaks? Please comment...

I am a blog stalker. Even if you don't know me and you stalk my blog like I probably stalk yours, just leave a comment. I won't think you are weird and maybe we'll become friends.

This is mostly for my own "journal keeping" sake so I won't forget. My twin girls are 2 years and 10 months old. They eat ANYTHING. Here's what I mean by anything. These are their favorites: broccoli, butter, blueberries, strawberries, soup, corn, ice cream, bread, peanut butter, artichoke hearts, olives (black & green), multi grain bread with crust, shredded wheat, raisin bran, celery (plain), shrimp, fish, crab, lobster, brie cheese, all salad and salad dressing, avocado, onion, rice, bananas, oranges, watermelon, cherries, jello, pineapple, pickles, cake, chocolate, chicken, lasagna, yogurt, cottage cheese, canned fruit of all kinds, french fries, cheese, grapes, carrots, asparagus, sour cream, cream cheese, bacon, pancakes, muffins, granola, dried cranberries, diet coke, any kind of juice, tofu, milk, all Japanese, Chinese, Mexican and Italian cuisine and the list goes on and on.

The stuff they don't like consists of: chicken nuggets, pepperoni pizza, meatloaf and Jessica isn't crazy about spicy stuff like salsa.

Is this weird? I think it's weird they first had brie and shrimp at 15 months but hey that's the house we live in. But we honestly could not come up with anything Katie doesn't like to eat except nuggets. Jessica owns the rest of the don't like list. Sometimes they aren't hungry and don't feel like eating but most of the time they will chow on whatever we put in front of them focusing on the fruit and veggies. Is it weird or am I just brainwashed by the news media saying all kids will eat is hamburgers and soda so I'm surprised that while my kids love "hangaburs" and "fuff pies" they would pick broccoli over these any day.

I swear I'm not being braggie. I fully expect them to revolt at any moment and demand Totinos Pizza Rolls and Captain Crunch but it seems like they are getting LESS picky and not more. Any thoughts?

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