Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Letter To My TV

Dear Television,

I know when we met at the Circuit City, we had an instant mutual attraction. And when I asked you to come home with me after just three dates, I felt our future was as bright as your pixels. But lately, over the past few weeks, I feel like you have been giving me so many mixed messages and manipulating my emotions in the cruelest of ways. It started with the Olympics. Really television? You made my heart soar with pride and then brought me to tears so many times I stopped counting. Just when I thought it was okay to hope again, you sent Canada to break my heart. Then, the day after what I thought was the end of your emotional torture, you sent Jake into my house. Jake and his fickle stupid heart. Watching him with Vienna last night was just the last straw for us television. I just can't take it anymore.

I think it would be a good idea for us to break up for the Spring and Summer. I think it would be a good time for both of us to think about our future and whether or not we can continue in an emotionally healthy relationship. I feel like I've given you hours of my time and got only heartbreak in return. I've given you my tears and laughter and you've just given me your sharp plasma in return. I need more from you. I need Gray's Anatomy to be good again. I need Troy Polamalu to have an injury free season so we can celebrate decent football together. I REALLY need something decent on HBO because if you can't give me that...what are we even doing? And let's not even get into how your morals and values seem to be disappearing before my very eyes.

I am going to try and see other people. I don't have anyone specific in mind yet, but I am seriously thinking about taking up Kindle on his offer to go steady. I think kindle would be better for my overall emotional health. And besides, he's trendy and cool and doesn't come with any excess baggage loaded on. I am going to try and reconnect with books and my old friend the country road. I know you think something is going on between me and my computer based on what you think you saw that one time on my lap but I swear we are just friends. It's not like that. My computer is DESIGNED to sit there.

I will always cherish the special moments we have shared. Castle and The Mentalist have really been bright spots in my life and I will miss them, I really will. I just think we need to end this now before I get so emotionally caught up in the new season of The Amazing Race and the return of V that I am too weak to walk away.

I hope someday we can be friends that support and uplift each other. I wish you happiness and fun this summer. Of course, you'll be allowed to see and spend time with the kids. I wouldn't take that away from you. (or me)

Take care television...I'll be thinking of you. And remember, we'll always have five years of wonderful memeories laughing over The Office. Those were special times that I will never forget.



The Gibbens said...

Don't ever go private! and if you do, please send an invite to Marie's strange sister who comes here for a laugh, a giggle, and sometimes a cry... thanks again... and sorry to hear about the breakup... but I hear Kindle is really, really good... and always responds to the touch of a loving hand... ;-) happy reading! -Trish... Marie's strange sister

Travis and Marie said...

I was really distraught that I missed this season of the Bachelor (my tivo didn't do my season pass) - but after hearing all the disappointment I guess I'm glad I didn't. So sorry about your break up - call ifyou need meals or anything to help you get through all of this! :)