Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Amberly

As you know, Amber is my sister in law. She is married to #5 of the Meeker boys, Chuck. I am married to #1 which means I am waaaaayyyy older than Amber. When I met her and to this day I think of her as a teenager. When someone asks me, now hold old is Chuck? I will say 11. He was eleven when I met him. And when someone asks me how old Amber is I say "I'm not sure but I think about 14." Amber was not 14 when I met her. But, for some reason, I just think of her as so much younger than me. I think it's my insecurities coming out about being the oldest girl, the oldest sister, the oldest oldest OLDEST. I don't like being the oldest of anything. So it must follow if Amber is 14, I could not possibly be 38. I must be like 25 if she's like 14, is what I tell myself.

But alas, she is not 14. She is 27. (see told you she was young) And I am not 25. I am 38. (I am just destined to have "oldest" attached to my identity) When I was 27, it was 1998 and I lived in Colorado. Man, that was a lifetime ago it seems.

Happy Birthday Amber. You are younger, hipper, cooler, younger, less gray, less wrinkled, younger and sweeter than me. And you always will be. But I will always be wiser. You know like the old, shriveled, hag, wise woman? Yuck. Can we trade places? Glad you are my sister. Wish you were old like me. Love you tons.

1 comment:

shannon said...

Ha! Ha! It's the same in my family too. I'm the oldest of everything! My youngest brother is getting married this weekend to the cutest 19 year old. That's right ...I said 19! She's half my age. Ugh! To put that in perspective when I was 19 we were room mates. Now that was forever ago!